Another Epilogue

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(Robin's POV)
I collapsed on my knees at the sight in front of me.
"No way..." Cyborg mumbled.
"Not this again..." Beast boy's voice was full of dismay. "Not like her."

It was just like her. Terra.
Luna was like Terra. Encased in stone. She looked... almost peaceful.
Her eyes were open, but she was smiling a warm smile. One hand clasped over her heart, and the other in the air, fist unclenched.

I stared at her in utter shock. I was numb. I couldn't -no- wouldn't move. I couldn't accept this again. I felt sick.

Is this what Beast boy felt like?

A hand softly grabbed my shoulder.

"Robin..." Starfire tailed off.

Raven finished Starfire's sentence.

"We need to go."

I shook my head and looked up. Defeated by her own element. Irony. I slowly got up on my feet and turned around. The others started following.

"I'm sorry, man," Cyborg said. "She did a good deed."

I weakly smiled, not putting much effort into it.

But, something stopped me from walking. I listened.

"Robin, are we not-" Starfire was cut off.
"Listen," I hushed her. "Did you hear that?"

We were eerily silent.


There it was again. I turned around back to Luna. I scanned her. Her finger. Her middle finger twitched and a pop came from that finger. It was free. And wiggling.
Like a madman, I ran back to Luna. Starting at her finger, I started chipping off stone.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Starfire asked, horror filling her voice.

I ignored her, chipping off more and more, until Luna's wrist was uncovered. It was limp, but I didn't have much time to worry. The other Titans got the idea, and gathered around Luna, helping me to chip off the stone. Her arm was slightly revealed now. The fingers twitched unnaturally. It scared me. It almost felt like a full day. Taking off piece by piece of stone. By almost an hour, we finally made it to her face. Luna's eyes were closed, and her injuries still in tact. Her body was slumped foreword, and her skin was a sick pale.
The rest of the rocks were more loose, and easier to pull off. Soon, what seemed like an eternity, her body was free as she started to fall foreword.
We all sight with relief as she was free. I caught her body and guided both of us to the ground. She was freezing.
"Luna?" My hoarse unrecognizable voice rang out.
No movement.
"Wake up..." I pleaded. "Please."
Still nothing.
This was it. The End.

A sudden movement made me jump.
The twitching movement happened again. It was Luna's fingers.
I stared at them, shocked at what I was seeing.
A small groan followed by a tiny voice asked.
"Did you really think I would be beaten by own element?"
I looked down at Luna's face. Her eyes were open. Automatically, I pulled to me, gripping her tightly. I was never going to let go.
"How do you feel?" I asked, shaking.
In a voice I've never heard her speak like, she whispered.
"Almost... Reborn."
I pulled back, helping her stand up. Her left leg twisted, I let her lean in me.
The Titans gathered around, chattering at once, hugging Luna for her safe return.
But, something felt different.
"Raven," I started. "Where's Slade?"
She looked down, almost sick.
"With who?"
She looked up.
"My father."
I was angry. But, there was no time for that.
"So Luna," Beast boy began. "are you a real Teen Titans now?"
She grinned her cocky grin.
"Yeah. You can call me, The Blind Bandit."

You are finally done with book one!!! After a long and maybe confusing book, I am finally done! I really hope you like and enjoyed this book. I plan to make a second book, and plan to also cross over another book that I'm making with the next one.
~Read On!~

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