WTF facts #99

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A winner has been chosen for fact #100. However, this chapter will feature some runner-ups I'd like to include.


Kawaiixanime- "When Twister was first introduced in 1966, it was denounced by critics as, 'sex in a box.'"

Doritos_and_Smosh- "The first man to urinate on the moon was Buzz Aldrin, shortly after stepping onto the lunar's surface."

Bubbly-wolf- "If you were to remove all the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on earth, the entire world population could fit in an apple."

CreepyPasta_Cupcakes- 10/5/17 Deleted for false information.

UnicornWizardTribute- "If you search "241543903" then you come up with a bunch of pictures of people sticking their heads in freezers."

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