Nog: Good Morning.

Y/n: Hello. Anything to report?

Nog: Well, Nothing really. That dragon thing on your window is a conversationalist though.

Y/n: I'm sorry, What?

Y/n recalled his fight with belos and how the small shadow dragon appeared on his shoulder. He had tried to do anything he could with it but it seemed to do nothing but... exist. It did nothing.

Y/n: It talks?

Y/n approached his windowsill and looked at the dragon.

Y/n: Hey buddy... Can you speak for me?

The shadow remained stoic and kept looking off somewhere.

Y/n: Nog, the thing doesn't talk. It was probably king from downstairs or hooty.

Y/n walked away until he heard something.

Dragon: Don't compare a God to a small king and bird tube.

Y/n turned around and analyzed what the dragon just said.

Y/n: Nowhere?

Nowhere: In the shadow and darkness.

Y/n held the dragon in his hand and... threw him in the air and drop kicked him across the room.

Y/n: I've been waiting for round two you asshole! That's for flicking me a million times!

Nowhere: I deserve that...

Y/n: Now I need to know where the hell your crown was! The one you got for your coronation as Titan King!

Nowhere: I wouldn't know since it was on my physical body and it MELTED INTO A CURSE SEAL! How do you even know about that?!

Y/n: I had an informant! Now what I need to know is how to beat the collector! I need to know before he puts my family in danger!

Nowhere: You met him?! What have you been doing without me?!

Y/n: A hell of a lot without you! When did you become the dragon you asshole?!

Nowhere: The day I left your body!

Y/n ran at him and kicked him into a wall.

Y/n: You freaking weirdo! Who does that?! Just sat on my windowsill for like a week, acting like you're an inanimate object!

Y/n walked towards the dragon and picked it up, eventually giving it a hug.

Y/n: I hate you, you asshole but it doesn't mean I didn't need you!

Nowhere couldn't exactly do anything as the strength from the hug seemed to be crushing him and stopped him from speaking. He let go of Nowhere and he dropped to the ground.

Nowhere: Now, How do you know of my past? How do you know the collector?

Y/n: The Nowhere King gave me the information. As for the collector, he needs to kill me for something.

Nowhere: So the king has finally summoned you...Interesting. The collector is something I can explain easily. Back then I was the only threat to his power. Now you are with my full power. He must want you over that.

That made sense to Y/n. The only thing he needed to do was find a way to hide his main weak point. The key inside his body.

Nowhere: That pesky key is deathly important. You can't destroy i or get rid of itt, you'd end up feeling yourself dying slowly. You can only hide it within your body and hope for the best.

Y/n: How'd that work out with you?

Nowhere: Good Point.

Y/n: Nog. How can I make the key part of my body, so it can't be taken out?

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