He paused, wondering if he should add what he wanted to. "That's when he heard of us. He knew what it was like to go off the deep end when you get cheated on and..."

"He wanted to help because he thought I was cheating on you and didn't want you to turn out like that? Am I correct?" she completed, waiting for clarification.

"Yes, except, he didn't hear of us himself. Keep in mind that it'd been some time after he'd threatened Dustin that everything had gone downhill," he said quietly, and when she nodded against his chest, he continued.

"Ethan had gone to him because he knew that with his past, he would agree. But when he found out the truth and tried to pull away, Donovan held his daughter over him," he muttered, returning his hand to her hair.

She was quiet for a second or two, then asked, "So, now what?"

"Now, we get evidence to back up what we know of Ethan being behind it all. Leander is going to help with that," he told her, adjusting his position. She lifted her head to make it easier, returning it when he beckoned her to.

"Leander? Trey, I don't like this," she whispered. "It's too smooth; too perfect."

"I know," he whispered back, burying his nose in her hair. "I've got eyes on him. I don't trust him as much as you don't—if not more. But if he comes through, we'll hand over the evidence to a court and wash our hands off it."

She let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad you're finally leaving it to the law. You've done enough and I'm so grateful. Just. . . be careful."

"Don't worry about it." He placed one hand on the bump, caressing it. "You just focus on being healthy for you and our babies, hm?" She hummed in response and closed her eyes, feeling loved.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Trey knew he couldn't trust Leander yet but he was willing to take a gamble with it. Because what if he really did want to help?

He'd made it clear to Leander that he wasn't going to free him, and he planned on standing by that. But like Lexi had pointed out, the meet had been too smooth; too perfect.

And the added bonus of Ethan arriving at that time was too shady—almost like he'd been notified. What if he had been notified? But then why let them escape if that was the case? Nothing was adding up.

Looking down at the woman in his arms, he smiled, loving the fact that they were both trying to fix the wedge that had been driven between them. Yes, he couldn't kiss her as much as he wanted to, nor could he touch her however, but he was grateful for the effort she was making.


Monday, June 26, 2016
Trey's House

20 weeks....

Trey was dishing up the finished part of breakfast when he heard Lexi call for him. He turned to find her rushing down the stairs, a hand under her bump. "Slow down," he told her as he brought the food over to the dining table.

She gave him a swift nod that said she'd heard him, but the joy radiating off her did not diminish even as her speed did. When she reached Trey, she was grinning widely.

"Well, someone's happy," he said as he pulled her into his arms and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

"I did," she responded, "but this morning has made me much happier than the extra sleep."

"Tell me what made you happy," he said, smiling at her. 

Her eyes went bright again, with that sunny smile he hadn't seen in a while back in place. He wondered what had made her this happy, but didn't have to wonder for long. "I felt the babies kick!" she whispered, not wanting anyone else to know yet.

His eyes went wide with amazement. "You're serious?" She nodded frantically, grabbing his hand to place on the bump. "I don't feel anything," he muttered with a frown when he didn't feel any movement for a few seconds.

"Shh," she hissed, looking down at her bump. "Come on you two. Kick for daddy," she cooed, and Trey couldn't help but smile. It surprised him often how she managed to stay happy after all the things life had thrown her way. The smallest of things made her happy and he loved that the-



He looked up at her, his eyes growing wider than before. He'd known by her bump that she was carrying their children. But feeling them kick made it all the more real. His hand slid to her back as he lowered his head to kiss the bump.

"Daddy loves you so much," he whispered, fighting the tears that wanted to come up. "Stay healthy for us, okay?" They kicked simultaneously as though in response to his request, and he looked up with a full heart to find Lexi looking down at him with a smile.

He raised his head and grabbed the back of her neck. His lips next to hers, he whispered, "Thank you Lexi. I love you," he muttered, pressing his lips to hers gently.

He pulled away reluctantly and rubbed the bump once more, a goofy smile on his lips. "I'll finish making breakfast. So, go wash up and come back downstairs okay?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Are you saying I stink?"

He laughed. "Maybe you do, but I would never tell you that," he said seriously, laughing when he saw the surprise on her face. "I'll be waiting," he told her, turning her in the direction of the stairs.

She looked back when she got to the stairs and found he was still in that same position, smiling at her. It made her feel like things were going back to normal between them again. 

Going back upstairs, she thought to herself that maybe love was worth chasing after.

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