During A Breakup

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Aries: silently plotting the destruction of the other behind a calm expression
Taurus: lmao probably crying into a bowl of ice cream
Gemini: tells a friend about the entire experience bit by bit while crying
Cancer: acting like they never gave a shit about the other person anyways
Leo: listens to their favorite music and ignores their feelings for a while
Virgo: rolls in a blanket like a human burrito and tries to sleep
Libra: probably emotionally drained over all the fighting and just middle fingers the entire breakup
Scorpio: gets overly angry at everyone and constantly snaps
Sagittarius: probably the one that did the dumping so they aren't really that torn up
Capricorn: puts on sad music just to cry more
Aquarius: watches chick flicks and romance movies while ugly sobbing
Pisces: a big mess of tears on the floor- probably can't move for a few days

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