Chapter 39

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"You sure you wanna do this?" Clover asks Hawk, as they both stood in Hawk's bathroom

"Yes" Hawk confirms, Clover put some Purple dye on her hands as she started dying his hair purple after getting the red out. She spread it around evenly and where the red once was.

"So how's you and Moon?" Hawk asks

"Oh we broke up a little while ago, we decided to be friends instead" Clover replies, shrugging. Hawk nods, Clover finished up and waited thirty minutes.

"Go on, go rinse it out" Clover says, once the timer goes off. Clover goes over the Moskowitz's fridge to start raiding it, ever since Hawk apologised the two have become a lot closer. One person she does wish to closer to again is Miguel, the two were inseparable until she was kicked off Cobra Kai.

Hawk comes out after getting dressed and Clover puller out her hair dryer and started blow drying it.

"What do you think?" Clover asks, once she finishes

"I like it, thanks for the help Clover" Hawk responds, hugging the girl

"It's alright, I didn't want to see the disaster you would have done to it" Clover jokes, Hawk jokingly punching her shoulder.

The next day, Clover walked up to Hawk and Demetri as Yasmine and Demetri talk. Clover awkwardly stood there, she thought Hawk and Moon were a good match, it may seem weird that you ship your ex girlfriend with someone else but it is what it is. Moon waves as Clover waves back.

"God you two make me feel single" Watching Demetri and Yasmine, Demetri chuckles as Yasmine walks off, Demetri sending her a kiss.

"Alright no offence, but I have no idea how you pulled that off" Hawk says, hanging his arm around Demetri's shoulder.

"Neither do I, I guess I was just myself and somehow that worked" Demetri replies. Clover nods she starts walking off first to get to her locker by Miguels

"Did you see Sensei's drunk tweet last night?" Miguel asks, as Clover grabs stuff out of her locker.

"I didn't know Sensei Lawrence knew how to use twitter" Clover jokes,

"But yes I did, unfortunately" Clover continues, answering his question. Hawk and Demetri catch up.

"Yo. You guys won't believe this. Sensei got drunk and went on a Twitter rant." Miguel told the two of them

"I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet." Demetri says. Clover laughs as that was a similar thing she said

"Looks like he and Sensei LaRusso are gonna have a rematch." Miguel points out

"So wait, They're really gonna fight?" Hawk inquires

"Apparently. Should've seen this coming." Sam answers

"Who does he even think he's tweeting to? You're his only follower?" Demetri asks

"I don't know. H-He seems serious about it." Miguel replies

"So this is real? Sensei and Sensei are gonna throw down?" Hawk asks again


"That's awesome!" Hawk says a little too excited.

That night on the sparring deck, everyone sat below it. Clover heard some of the conversation. Clover hates how people think that their way of karate in the best, Mr LaRusso is a little in the wrong here, Clover could understand where Mr LaRusso was getting at but Mr Lawrence wants to help too, there his students too and guess what he already led a team to victory against Miyagi Do. Clover isn't taking sides, she finds it ridiculous. This is exactly what Silver and Kreese want, Clover hung towards the back. Demetri came over to her.

"You don't agree with anything that is happening tonight do you?" Demetri guessed.

"Was it obvious... I'm just sick of Sensei's thinking that their way of karate is the best way and puts strain in situations that don't need it, if this continues were never gonna win the All Valley" Clover rambles, Demetri listens in. Clover was grateful for Demetri, he always listened to her.

The fight had started and Clover sighed in disappointment, tension was around in the air. With this fight became tension between he students of both dojos, we don' need more rivalries to start, we already have one. It was a very close call when they both fell at the same time

"Point Lawrence" "Point LaRusso"

"Are you sure" Miguel asks

"Are you sure?" Sam questions.

"Check the replay" Everyone crowds around the phone

"Go to another angle" Lawrence says

"There is no other angle" Chris replies

"Don' you have another phone?" Lawrence asks

"Hawk" Miguel says, Clover looks up to see the boy with his hood up. Miguel and Clover walk over to him

"Shit Eli, what happened?" Demetri asked. He stops and slowly pulls down his hood where there was barely any hair left only the sides of what was once a hawk. Clover gasped, she only dyed that the other night. Lawrence walks through us

"Who did this?" He asks

"Cobra Kai" Hawk responds, Clover's blood boiled she was furious.

"Kreese and Silver did this, they need to pay" Lawrence says

"Jesus, Johnny please. Kreese tried to kill you. You want to fight them both" LaRusso inquires.

"Damn right I do, look what they did" Lawrence responded.

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer? Why am I not surprised" LaRusso says exasperated.

"Sensei stop" Miguel says.

"You still think your way is the only way, you were so proud when they pulled the little sprinkler prank. If they had of kicked ass like I taught them, this would never had happened"Lawrence spoke up. Clover was done with it all. Demetri noticed the blondes anger and put an awkward comforting hand on her shoulder to calm her down until she heard

"Eagle Fangs lets go" Lawrence says, Clover gives Hawk a comforting hug and joins the rest of the Miyagi Do's. Why did it have to end this way. 

Built on a lie- Cobra Kai (Being rewritten)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz