Now months later the iPads have basically paid themselves off and we were saving more money. Plus we were saving the trees. It just made the whole thing so much easier.

"I already have stuff in the oven that should be out any minute. We can probably open the doors." I told Edith as we headed to the front of the store.

"Olivia what time did you get in this morning?" She sent me a motherly look, pretty much knowing the answer already.

Usually we open the bakery around 8 o'clock so we have time to have things baked and ready for anyone coming in. The fact I already had stuff ready and coming out of the oven showed I came in pretty early.

I shrugged not really answering. I hadn't been able to sleep so I decided why not come in a bit early and get things prepped and ready.

"You haven't had a day off in over a year and you always come in early. You need to rest more." She almost scolded me.

"I know." I looked away from those concerned eyes.

"This place will still be here if you take a day off."

I knew that. I did but....there was a small part of me that was afraid if I stopped, even for a second, everything I have worked so hard for would crumble. This place was everything to me. I've put so much blood, sweat, and tears into opening this. I couldn't let it fail.

Sweet Delights was something I've wanted since I was 17. The moment I stepped foot in Aubrey's moms bakery I fell in love. I loved to bake before but seeing her place and helping out I knew right then and there that was what I wanted to do.

"Just make sure you are taking care of yourself, hun." Edith patted my arm before making her way around the counter to unlock the front door. She meant well, I know she did, but right now was not really the time to 'focus on myself'. We had a busy few weeks with the holidays and that was all I was going to focus on.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Tory go home and be with your brother, I'm fine closing up." I practically shoved her towards the door. It was nearing 4 o'clock and it was just me and her. I sent George and Edith home about an hour ago when the store started slowing down.

The moment we opened the doors hours ago people were coming in left and right. Even if it was busy I loved it. I loved seeing people trickling in to see what kind of desserts we had. Watching their faces light up when they smelled fresh cookies.

I did owe a lot of my customers to Aubrey and Knox. Aubrey did such a good job designing the website and putting it out there for people to find. Knox put up flyers all over the hardware store promoting the bakery too. Even Aubrey's friend, Leah, recommended her wedding clients to us. In just a few months we've gained quite a following. It also helped the closest bakery was about 30 miles away.

Tory sent me another look as if to say she'll stay but I shooed her away. I was going to close up in an hour or so and any late stragglers I can handle on my own, no need making her stay. With one last wave I was left alone.

I sat back in the chair Edith brought out earlier, letting out a sigh. After the busy day I was more than ready to go home, get in my fuzzy pajamas and stuff my face with food. Me being up before 5 was now hitting me as I finally sat down for the first time all day.

Needing just a few minutes before getting back up, I stretched my tired legs out under the counter and sipped some of the hot chocolate I made earlier. Nothing better than a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold December day.

A memory of my mom making me hot chocolate flashed through my mind. I wasn't sure how it came to be but somehow every December my mom would make us all a cup of hot chocolate before bed and we'd sit around the living room, the fireplace on, watching some cheesy Christmas movie.

My dad use to complain it made him pee all night but every night when my mom came in with the tray of mugs he was the first to grab his and pile it high with marshmallows. When it came to my mom he could never say no.

The thought of my parents sent a pang through my chest. It was hard to believe they've been gone nine years now. It felt like yesterday I was coming home from school and seeing the two of them dancing in the kitchen.

Just thinking of them use to hurt. So much so that any mention of them I'd shut down but now it was bittersweet. Each memory just reminding me that my parents were the best parents anyone could have.

The jingling of the door had me pushing those sad thoughts away and standing up to greet the new customers.

"Welcome to Sweet Delights." 


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Trapped For Christmasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें