Chapter 1

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Jade's POV
I freakin hate my older sister Emerald. She's always been prettier and smarter than me. But I've come up with a plan to get back at her. It's not right but so what, she deserves it. Plus, she's never been nice to me ever since we were kids. So I really don't care what this does to her. Hope my plan works. I'll finally get back at her if it does!

I'm sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when Emerald walks in.
"You look nice. Where are you going." I say to her. She has on a short black, tight skirt and a pink blouse with ruffles on it.
"I gotta go to the studio and record some vocals." she says to me.
"Ooo! Ooo! Can I go too! Please!" I ask her
"Why do you wanna go? You might be bored." she says back to me.
"Please Em. Besides..I haven't met Michael yet. And you two have been dating right?" I say back
"We haven't been dating that long, just a couple of weeks. That's why you haven't met him yet. You don't need to be all in my business!" she snapped back at me.
"There's no need to be bitchy Em. I just would like to meet him that's all. And why can't your little sister show an interest in your life?" I say
"You haven't before, why start now." she snips at me.
"Well you never dated someone famous before either." I snap back
"Fine Jade. You can come." she says back. "Just don't embarrass me, got it." she says pointing at me.
"I promise, I won't." I say smiling at her. I run upstairs to change clothes

I come back downstairs wearing a cut off shirt and tight blue jeans and heels. I hope to get Michael's attention.
"What the fu**?! Why are you dressed like that?" Em asks me
"What's wrong with it?" I ask playing dumb.
"You're showing your stomach and those jeans are a litttle too tight, don't you think?" she asks me looking me up and down.
"Em, seriously? You're not my mother. Our mother's dead remember?" I say sarcastically
"No. But I am your legal guardian and you need to listen to me." she says back to me.
"Dang Em! This is in style right now! Please..." I beg
"Fine! You don't have time to change anyway, you'll make me late. Lets go!" she says walking out the door.
I secretly smile behind her back

We arrive at the studio and are escorted in by bodyguards.
"Remember what I said at the house. Don't embarrass me." she whispers to me as we walk in.
"God! I got it!" I say back to her annoyed
We enter the room and I see Michael bent over the soundboard. He's got on tight jeans and a plaid button down shirt. God damn he looks good! He's even cuter in person! He turns around when he hears us enter the room.
"Hey Em!" He says to her as he hugs her. He gives her a kiss on the cheek. Turns my stomach! Yech!

"Hey Mike! This is my little sister Jade." she says.
He looks me up and down with his eyes stopping on my bare stomach. Ha! Just the reaction I was hoping for.
"Hey little sis! I'm Michael." he says to me holding out his hand to shake.
"Hey Michael. Nice to meet you." I say grabbing his hand and shaking it.
His hands are big, soft and warm. Wonder what they would feel like carressing my body. I look down and realize I'm still shaking his hand.

"Oh sorry." I say and pull my hand away.
"It's ok." He says smiling back at me.

The recording session lasts about 2 hours. I can't keep my eyes off Michael. He sings beautifully. This new album is gonna be so good. My sister is in the booth putting the finishing touches on her vocals. I'm sitting on the sofa in the next room. Michael comes in there and sits with me.
"So little sis, tell me about yourself." he asks as he sits down next to me. Smiling. Damn he's fine..
"Well. Not much to tell." I say back
"Well, how old are you for starters." he asks
"16." I reply back
His eyes grow big.
"You're only 16? You seem older, more mature." he says to me
"Well, since you're only 16, whats your favorite subject in school." he asks.
"None. I don't really like school."
"You shouldn't say that. Education is very important." he says back
"I guess." I say rolling my eyes.

Just then Emerald walks in the room.
"Hey, I'm finished recording. Michael, I was wondering if you would come to our house for dinner tonight? I'll cook for us." Em says.
"Yeah. Sounds good. What time?" he replies
"How about 7?" she says
"Ok. See you then." He says and gets up off the sofa. He hugs her and gives her a kiss on the lips. He starts to walk away but she grabs him back and kisses him again, this time a little longer. I have to look away.
"Bye Em, see you at 7. Bye little sis!" he says to me waving and smiling.
I say nothing and just wave back.

I come downstairs right at 7pm wearing a sundress that stops right above the knee and no panties or a bra. I plan to do lots of bouncing tonight!
Emerald is in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on dinner. I join her in the kitchen.
"Really Jade. That's what you're gonna wear?" she says to me looking at me.
"What's wrong with it?" I ask playing dumb again.
"Well for starters, its short." she says
"It's not that short." I say back
"You also are not wearing a bra." she says
"I don't need one Em. I'm naturally small and perky." I say smiling.
"Well, you need to put one on. Especially in front of my boyfriend." she says to me.
"Oh he's your boyfriend now. Have you guys did it yet?" I ask not really wanting to know the answer.
"That's none of your business Jade." she replies.
"I take that as a no then." I say smiling.
"Just shut up Jade!" she yells at me.
Just then, the door bell rings. I jump up and down.
"I'll get it!" I yell as I run to the door.
"Damn it Jade! Stop jumping!!" Em yells at me as I run down the hall.

I open the door and Michael is standing there holding a bunch of sunflowers. He looks so sexy tonight. He smiles when I open the door.

"Hey little sis. This is for you." he hands me one of the sunflowers.
"Thanks Michael! I love sunflowers!" I say as I jump up and down.
His eyes dart to my breasts and then back to my eyes. He gets embarrassed and looks down at the floor. Ha! Caught you Mike! I think to myself.
"Where's your sister?" he asks still looking at the floor. He's cute when he's embarrassed.
"She's in the kitchen. Come on in." I say smiling

He follows me into the kitchen where Emerald is.
"Hey babe! These are for you." he says to her as he hands her the flowers.
He kisses her on the cheek.
"Awww..thanks babe! They're beautiful. I'll get a vase to put them in." she says.
I take this as an opportunity to show him I'm not wearing underwear.
"Hey Em! I'll take the chicken out of the oven for you." I say to her.
"Ok. Thanks." she says as she has her back turned looking in the cabinets for a vase.
I put oven mits on and look over at Michael. He's watching what I'm doing. I bend over and take the chicken out the oven. I put it on the stovetop and turn back around. He's staring at me rubbing his crotch and biting his bottom lip. He's so sexy. It makes me wet instantly. He sees me look at him but he doesn't stop rubbing his crotch. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"I found a vase." Em says
He quickly takes his hand away from his crotch and looks at her.
"You guys go sit down in the dining room. I'll bring dinner in." Em says
I go into the dining room and Michael follows me.

He sits down and I sit across from him.
"What are you trying to do to me?" he asks me
"What are you talking about?" I say innocently
"You know what I'm talking about. I'm dating your sister. Besides, you're only 16!" he says
"Yes, but I'm a mature 16. You said so yourself." I say back smiling.
I take my sandals off and rub his leg under the table with my foot.
"Jade. Stop!" he says to me trying to whisper.
"Why? I can't help it. I find you sooo sexy. Don't you find me attractive?" I say
"Yes I do...but thats not the point. I'm dating your sister." he says trying to shake off his feelings.
I move my foot up closer to his crotch. I can feel his erection with my foot through his pants.
"Mmm....but your body wants me Michael..." I whisper to him
He closes his eyes and exhales out. He starts to lick and bite his bottom lip while keeping his eyes closed. I continue to rub his co** with my foot.
He's fu***** turning me on big time!

Just then my sister comes in with dinner.
Em sits the plates down in front of us.
I hurry and put my foot down and straighten up in my chair.
"Mmmm...looks delicious.." Michael says while licking his lips and looking at me
"Yeah. Can't wait to sink my teeth into it." I say back looking at him and smiling. He winks at me
"I'm gonna say grace." Em says
We bow our heads. I peek up and see Michael looking at me. I pull my top down and flash him. He smiles and blushes. Em has no idea!
We finish our dinner with Michael stealing glances at me from time to time.
"Do you wanna watch a movie babe?" Em asks him
"Umm..I don't know. We have to be in the studio early in the morning." he says back.
"Oh come on. Just one movie." I say to him smiling and winking.
"Ok. I guess its fine." he says.
"Good. I'm gonna clean up the kitchen. Jade, find us a movie to watch." she says
"Ok. Come on in the living room Michael." I say to him
I walk into the living room and he follows me.

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