Level - You Win! Part 4

Start from the beginning

"They..... me...... backup.....Now......."

He then moves to another table farther away from us.

Just then our food arrives.

"Enjoy! Have a good day!" The employee says.

"Thanks." Leo says.

The employee smiles then walks away.

Everybody then starts eating their food.

I want to tell them, but they just found comfort, and Ami looks like she's chill again. I don't want to ruin this moment... But I don't have much of a choice.

"Guys, we gotta go, now."

"What, why? We just got our food." Ami says.

"Well, we don't have to leave now, but right after we finish our food."

"Yeah, that's what we agreed on, what's the problem now?" Leo asks.

"Well, remember that bartender from before?"


"He's here, in this floor. Right now. He knows."

"Wait, as in, he knows who we are and what the Moth Cartel has against us?!" Ami says.


I lean in and eye Michael. He's eating his food. Everybody immediately realize that it's him.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh NO!" Ami exclaims.

Some people in the bar just stare at her, then go back to eating.

"How did he know?!?!" She asks.

"I don't know! I just saw him coming in a disguise here. So I started eavesdropping on him, I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I do know that after he realized I was eavesdropping on him, he called for backup, or at least I think he did."

"Well in that case we should leave, now." Leo says.

"Can we at least finish our food first? We don't know if we have to pay or not." Elizabeth says.

"WHAT CAN WE PAY WITH LIZ?! We'll eat on the way to the next floor! This is our lives were talking about. Now let's go!"

We all pick up our food and start speed-walking out of the restaurant. I look behind me. Michael quickly got up and starts speed-walking behind us.


We make it to the 6th floor, and thankfully, it's a dark room. We hide beneath a couch and look around. We see Michael enter the room and start hastily asking people if they saw us. We finish our food, dump it in a nearby trashcan and sneak out of the room. I don't think he saw us that time. The 7th floor is a computer lab. With a bunch of people on computers. Some playing games, others watching youtube, and others... Being just down bad. What intrigued me the most was how people were communicating with their friends and family through chatting websites and apps.(The ones that have noclipped into the Backrooms that is.) I don't think you can communicate with friends and family outside the Backrooms, that's just me, though.

"Is this a computer lab?" Ami asks.

"Looks like it." Elizabeth responds.

"And with a working internet connection? This is my place." Leo says.

"Well, sadly, we can't chat here forever. We should get going." Ami says.

"Hold on, lemme try one thing, it won't take long I promise." I say.

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