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Lisa: Truth be told, I don't even know.

Lynn sr: what are you even talking about?

Luan: Dad, Lily's gone missing!

Lynn sr: WHATTTT!

The whole family had no idea what they were gonna do.

Lola: what are we going to do for lily?

Leni: You guys don't think she left the house, do you?

Lori: I don't think she could on her own, but we should call the cops, uncle Connor might help with the investigation too?

Lincoln: Wait, we shouldn't call the cops for just a baby!

Leni: then let's at least tell uncle Connor.

But before they could think of anymore ideas, they heard a familiar sound coming from upstairs.

?: poo-poo.

Rita: wait, did you all heard that.

Luna: Sure did.

Leni: was that lily?

Just then, they heard a noise again.

?: poo-poo.

Luan: that's lily alright, but where's she?

With that, Rita went back up to Lisa and Lily's room. And when she got there, Lily was sitting in the very middle of the room.

Lily: "Mama!"

Rita: LILY!

Lily gave a confused look, she had no idea what Rita was so historical about.

Rita held her baby close for a hug.

Rita: Oh Lily, where the heck were you!?

Lily: poo-poo.

Rita didn't really understand what Lily just said, but she still didn't know where she had been.

Rita: what matters is you're back and safe.

Then Lily gave Rita a kiss on the cheek.

Rita: let's get you down stairs with everyone else.

With that, they left the room and went back downstairs. Soon enough, they were all sitting at the dining table.

Rita: I found lily, she was just laying in her room.

Once that was said, everyone was beyond confused.

Leni: lisa, what happened in that room, Exactly.

Lisa: I told you I don't know, are you that dumb!?

Lori: then why she suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

honestly, everyone had no idea how it even happened. But they decided not to worry about it right now.

Lynn Sr.: How about we just have our breakfast and worry about this another time?

Rita: I really hope, it won't happen again?

Lily just gave a shrug while glancing away.

Rita: we should go kids, you all don't what to be late for school.

The kids agreed, and Lily looked confused at Rita.

Lynn sr: ok kids, finish up breakfast and get ready for school, don't worry about the dishes, I'll handle them.

So the kids finished up breakfast, and they cleaned up what they could.

Rita: is everyone ready?

First 10 kids: Yes mom!

it's a tiny world. TLH.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin