Depuis le début

"Morning, Bella." He greeted her. "How was Port Angeles?"

"It was..."

"Great." I come to my sister's aid, and she looks relieved. "Jess got a really cute dress, she's gonna sweep you off your feet Newton."

"Did she say anything about Monday night?" He asked, his eyes brightening. Bella smiled, clearly pleased by how I'd switched the conversation.

"She said she had a really good time." I grinned.

"She did?" He said eagerly.

"Don't tell her I said this." I whisper conspiratorially, leaning around Bella. "But she can't wait to get to first base with you."

He flushed at that, grinning back goofily as I pulled back and winked. "Make it special, okay?"

Mister Mason called the class to order then, asking us to turn in our papers. English and then Government passed in a blur. The fog had almost dissolved by the end of the second hour, but the day was still dark with low, oppressing clouds. When I walked into Trig Jess was sitting in the back row, nearly bouncing off her seat in agitation. I moved quickly, taking the seat further away, leaving an empty one between us for Bella. My twin scowled at the betrayal, but reluctantly went to sit between us.

"Tell me everything!" she commanded before Bella was even in her seat.

"What do you want to know?" Bella hedged.

"What happened last night?"

"He bought me dinner, and then he drove us home." Jess glared at her, expression stiff with skepticism. "How did you get home so fast?"

"He drives like a maniac. It was terrifying." Bella complained.

"I thought it was fun." I add, smiling. Bella glared.

"Was it like a date — did you tell him to meet you there? Gracie, what did you do?"

"Thirdwheel." I snort.

"No — I was very surprised to see him there." Bella insisted, denying my comment. 

Jess' lips puckered in disappointment at the transparent honesty in my sister's voice.

"But he picked you up for school today?" She probed.

"Yes — that was a surprise, too. He noticed I didn't have a jacket last night." Bella explained.

"So are you going out again?"

"He offered to drive me to Seattle Saturday because he thinks toy truck isn't up to it — does that count?"

"Yes." I snort.

"Well, then, yes."

"W-o-w." Jess exaggerated the word into three syllables. "Edward Cullen."

"I know." Bella agreed.

"Wait!" Jess' hands flew up, palms toward us like she was stopping traffic. "Has he kissed you?"

"No." Bella mumbled. "It's not like that." Jess looked disappointed. So did Bella.

"Do you think Saturday...?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I really doubt it." The discontent in Bella's voice was poorly disguised.

"You never know." I smile softly at my sister, encouraging her. "Maybe it was just because I was there. You guys were kinda flirting the whole time, you know. Trust me, there were multiple times I wanted to throw myself out of that moving car."

"What did you talk about?" Jess pushed for more information in a whisper. Class had started but Mr. Varner wasn't paying close attention and we weren't the only ones still talking.

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