Chapter 4: Oh, he was drunk..

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A/N: I THINK U CAN TELL WHERE THIS IS GOING😂😂 (also i took like 5 whole minutes to spell definitely I WENT ON GOOGLE BYE.)

Out of the blue a cold hand grabbed unto mine. A shock came across me, and when I check on who saved my life, I deeply wanted to die even more..

"What are YOU out of all people doing here, huh?" I spat at his face clearly angry at him, after what he did to my family. "Eh.. feisty aren't we? I should've just pushed you down, clearly you wouldn't be so pissed. And who are you nasty vermin, to speak to me? I clearly was ordered by the Tsaritsa herself so shut up." Scaramouche replied, in a "kind, and gentle way" definitely.. NOT. "Even so, you shouldn't just kill a persons entire family! Just because your Lady Tsaritsa told you!!" I grabbed out my sword and applied hydro to it and was doing slashes towards his way, I was able to make his eye bleed but unfortunately he got my sword. "What can you do now?" Boy he was cocky.. He started attacking me with his catalyst, "Be careful!! Anyways get away fro-" Oh.. why was he looking this pretty while attempting to kill me..??? I have an unhealthy obsession with short anemo boys what am I sane?? I started to think, knowing I had no chance against him, the Balladeer and got my glider (which I forgot I had and Amber gave me) and glided away from the fight.

 I entered the city gates at around 5:00 am and saw Lumine along with Paimon and Venti waiting for me. As I entered I tried saying to Lumine, "I'm so sorry Lu-" She hugged me in a tight hug, "Its okay, don't wander off ever again!!! We're new here and Venti was still drunk..." I looked at Venti and he was grinning, "Ehe~!!" sOrRY AlYANnAAAA~~~~" okay that explained it. He then passed out on the road, we then saw Amber patrolling the city, Yes! "Amber!!! I screamed, "Huh?! Lumine, Alyanna, Paimon?! What are you doing outside this la- er, early?" She then looked at the ground and saw that we were dragging Venti, she brought us outside of the Knights of Favonius HQ. There we saw a Blonde with a ponytail and a Brunette witch. "Hello, We deeply apologize on behalf of Venti... thanks for calling Amber." The blonde said, and added, "Oh, I'm sorry! I haven't introduced myself. I am Jean and beside me, is Lisa." Me and Lumine smiled softly, and we went to our apartment. "Hey Lumine, sorry for a while ago.." I said apologetically, she was so kind to say, "No problem, and he was drunk! Hehe... no harsh feelings towards you~!" Oh yeah, he was drunk. Better tell Diluc to kick him outta the tavern welll.... 

Ending notes A/N: Listen to Dreaming Chuchu by MMJ pls its so good... and more angst in next chapter!! (i'll make a bonus, jeanlisa hehe...)

"She's such an angel, but then again kinda wished she were dead"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ