Chapter 13: The Party

Start from the beginning

"I actually wasn't planning on celebrating. So you can leave." I tell her, and try to close the door but she stops me.

"Wait!" She says faintly. "I...Just come with me! But leave Eden here!" She says.

"Haha, no." I say seriously.

"Please! Just come with me!" She begs and gives me puppy dog eyes.

When I don't make a move, she steps inside and takes Eden from me.

"Mr. DiLaurentis!" I hear her say happily. "Could you watch Eden tonight? Thank you." She says.

She didn't even wait for my dad to say yes or no.

Then, she comes back out from the kitchen, grabs my hand, and drags me to the car.

"You know kidnapping is a crime, right?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on.

"You're buckling up. So you just not care." She says simply.

"Whatever." I scoff.


Emily POV:
As we're driving a recognize the roads and realize we're about five minutes away from the cabin.

I pull out my phone to text Aria, knowing she's probably standing there waiting for my text, and inform her on how close we are.

"Are you seriously texting while driving?" Alison asks angrily. "And where the hell are we?"

"This road is empty, so we're safe." I say, only answering half her questions.


Aria POV:
"Alright! They're five minutes away! Everyone hide!" I exclaim.

Immediately, people are climbing the stairs, hiding behind curtains, crawling underneath tables, and jumping behind couches.

"Here they came!" Hanna yells as she looks through the peephole and scurries to hide behind the bookshelf.

Alison POV:
"Are you like, going to kill me and dump me in the lake? Why the hell are we here?" I ask angrily.

Emily ignores my question, and opens the door to the large cabin.

"After you." She says, and curtsies.

I step inside, and someone flips on a switch and about fifty to seventy people jump out yelling,"surprise!"

I jump back startled, and look around.

Spencer, Toby, Hanna, Caleb, Aria, Noel, Erik, Ben, Sean, Mona, Melissa, Jenna, Samara, Lucas, Paige, Mike, Alex, Jonny, Collin, Andrew, Nate, Wren, Ian, Garret, Darren, CeCe, Shana, Tyler, even Jason, Travis, Sydney, Cindy, Mindy, Talia, Gabriel, Naomi, and Riley are the only people I recognize.

The rest must be from the swim team and debate. And Noel's group of friends.
Thanks, Emily and Spencer.

I clearly throat and put on a fake smile.

After about thirty minutes most of the people here are drunk.

But me, Emily, Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Toby, and Caleb are not any of those people.

"Body shots! Over here!" Some jock yells.

Emily smirks, and walks over to him.

She lays down on the table, Noel licks her stomach, does the salt, licks that off, and then takes the lime from Emily's mouth with his own.

"Oh, yeah! Give me five, Em!" Noel exclaims.

Emily gives Noel a high five, and giggles.

"Whose turn now?!" Emily exclaims, and everyone's cheers.

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