Chapter One

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Emma has to blink several times to stop her tears from falling as she makes her way towards the bar's exit. This was supposed to be hers and Lily's night but her girlfriend decided to cancel at the last minute because she has a project due the following day. Since Emma has nothing left to do and all her projects and modules are ready to be submitted a couple of days before the deadline and she has the night off from work, she decided to go to the nearby bar to wind up and just relax. But the moment she entered the bar and was about to tell the bartender her order, she saw Lily on the dancefloor dancing with a man and seemed to be having a really good time. Emma was ready to confront her but the moment she saw them kiss, she realized that doing so will only be a waste of time.

It hurts, seeing the girl she loves having a really good time with someone that isn't her. This isn't the first time she caught Lily with someone else, but she always forgives her every single time Lily has come crawling back to her. It's pathetic how touchstarve she was that she's willing to take her back no matter how shitty Lily was treating her. And she knows to herself that she'll do it again when Lily comes knocking on her door again.

Well, there's no knocking to do anyway since Lily started living with her when she got kicked out of her apartment for months of delayed rent payment. And like an utter fool she was, Emma had asked her to move in with her instead since they both go to the same university which is only a couple of blocks away from Emma's apartment.

What a stupid thing to do, to be quite honest.

Spending most of her life in the foster system, all Emma wanted was someone who will love and accept as who she is; insecurities and baggage and all. And she thought Lily was the one, until the cheating started happening.

As much as Emma loves the woman, she has to let her go. Or rather, stop being the pushover and doormat she is when Lily asks again for a chance and false promises. And she must admit, the way Lily acts towards her was borderline toxic and manipulative, using every insecurity and weakness she knows about Emma at her disposal whenever the opportunity strikes like that one time where she tries to kick her out of her apartment with her newest boytoy when she found them having sex on her couch. But Lily was a professional when it comes to sweet-talking her way out of trouble, and when that trick didn't work, she moves to gaslighting as she seduces her way to make Emma forget what had just happened.

See? Emma Swan: Weak. Pathetic. Easily manipulated.

Maybe this is the universe saying that love, honest or maybe even true, is not for someone like her. She must've done something in her past life for her to experience this kind of pain.

Maybe she's destined to be alone for the rest of her life.

Left cold and alone on the side of the road when she was just about a couple of hours old. Almost got adopted at the age of three but when the family fostering her got pregnant, she was sent back to the social services again. Moved from foster home to foster home until she aged out of the system. Got bullied in school for being an orphan. Barely have any friends. Relationships that only last for a couple of weeks because they always cheats on her even though she's doing her best to be the person they want her to be. And now this, letting another person manipulate her just because it's beneficial for them.

All Emma wanted was to love and be loved, to make her feel like she matters. Is that so hard to ask?

Letting out a shaky sigh, Emma hadn't noticed where she was until she heard the faint tinkling bells from the small boats gently swaying from the waves. She hadn't realized her feet had brought her to the harbor whilst thinking so deeply. She's surprised she didn't get herself into an accident because the harbor is a little bit too far from the bar and her apartment. And when the chilly wind blew heavily towards her way that made her shiver, she then realized she had left her coat at the bar.

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