Chapter 1-Meet the Loud House

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This is the only chapter that would have the intro


Crashing through the crowded halls

Dodging boys like ping pong balls

Just to reach the bathroom on time (hey, hey, hey)

Leaping over laundry piles

Diapers you can smell from miles

Girl's gotta do what she can to survive

In the loud house, in the loud house

Duck, dodge, push and shove

That's how we show our love

In the loud house, in the loud house

One girl, ten boys

Wouldn't trade it for the world

Loud house

Loud, loud house

"The loud house theme song belongs to Loudhouse"

Chapter 1-Meet the Loud House

"Hello dear friend, you might be wondering who I am, well, my name is Linka Loud, and let me introduce you to my brothers".

Linka walks down the hall to the first room, her two oldest brothers, Loki and Loni.

"First, Loki, he's the oldest of all of us here, he's 17, has a girlfriend, likes his phone and being overprotective, but I warn you, don't get him angry."

"Next, Loni, he's the second oldest, he's 16, single, likes shopping, HATES fighting, likes wearing Loki's clothes, he can be pretty dumb sometimes, but he doesn't like anyone calling him dumb."

Then Linka turned to her right, their was Lynn's and Lars room

"On the right, this is Lynn's and Lars room, Lynn is the 6th oldest of all of us, he's 13, not interested in love, loves sport, loves being the pain in the ass for everybody, and loves annoying people and then we have Lars, he's.....kinda different from us. Lars is the 5th youngest of all of us, his likes anything dark and creepy, his vampire statue, his coffin, funerals, anything that just weird and creepy.

Then Linka walked down the hall, and on her left is Leif's and Lexx room

"This is Leif's and Lexx room, they're my younger twin brothers, both 6, Leif, likes to get dirty and often bring the dirt into the house, likes trash, helping animals and his frog. And next is, Lexx, he's the opposite of Leif, he likes being clean, likes getting attention, likes being the center of attention, likes being the king of everybody, but if you get on his bad side, I hope you're okay.

Then Linka turned to her right, their was Luke and Lane's room

"This is Luke and Lane's room, Luke is the 8th oldest of all of us, he's fifteen, has a boyfriend, in love with music, has a band, loves Nicky Swagger. Lane is the 7th brother of all of us, he's 14, has a crush on Lenny, likes pranking people, telling jokes and Mrs. Coconut."

Linka continued to walked down to the final room, her turned to her left side.

"Since, we're on the the last room, let me introduced you to my youngest siblings, first is Levi, he's 4, smartest in the family, not interested in love,  loves science, testing whatever he wants in the house, and making robots, and then Leon, he's 15 months, loves his toy moose, doesn't like Flippa and likes sleeping."

"Now that I've introduce you to my family, I wanna tell you something about me, hi, my name is Linka Loud, I'm the only girl child in the family, I'm 11, has a crush on someone, but he doesn't go our school, I like watching ARGGH! with Clydia, reading girl magazines, and painting my nails".

"Now that you know everything about my brother and I hope you enjoy the adventures of what we are about to go through from now on."

My Favorite Loud (Linka x Ronald) Genderbend auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ