I was already at the end of summer, this was my last day of freedom.
I hated school and that was probably why I was 18 going on 19 as a senior. I wasn't very proud of it but unexpected accidents didn't make it easy on me.
One of the only great things I got out of it were my friends. If I hadn't repeated a year, I wouldn't have met any of them. That would've been a tragedy. Yes, I did consider myself as a very dramatic person but that was only one of my many likeable traits. Did I also mention that I was a bit cocky?
Music was my greatest escape and it only made passing school harder because I just blocked out my teachers voices with my headphones playing loudly in my ears. I knew that I should be focusing more since I didn't understand anything but listening to music was overall so much more fun.
I sent one last message to Parker, my best friend, and rolled out of bed. It was almost two pm which was pretty early for me but that was all going to change tomorrow.
I dragged myself to the bathroom and quickly grabbed an Advil out of an open bottle to ease my hangover headache. I turned on the sink and drank from it to swallow the pill. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and took a glance in the mirror.
Half dead would sum up pretty perfectly how I looked right now. After regretting every decisions I made last night, I washed my face and walked back to my messy room.
Walking out of my closet, I had in hand a pair of baggy black cargo pants, a Calvin Klein black bra and a cut off black long-sleeve crochet top. I threw everything on and stared at my reflection. This was probably one of my favourite top of all time, it cropped right over my bra and the sleeves stopped mid hands.
Walking around in my organized mess, I grabbed my black headphones and a book I would read on my way to the library. I know this wouldn't be the place anyone would expect a teenager to go on their last day of liberty but I found it oddly comforting. And well I needed new books to get through this hell of a year.
I slipped thick silver rings on each of my fingers along with a bunch of green-colored crystals bracelets and made my way to the kitchen. My place wasn't huge but it was modern and the tall ceilings made it look bigger.
As I opened the fridge I reminded myself to go grocery shopping, I settled on a banana and a coffee I'd grab on my way there.
"Sage!" I called out wondering where my fluff ball was.
He came running from his cushion as his tail wiggled high. My heart warmed at the sight.
"Hi baby." I cooed as I squatted down to ruffle his black fur.
He was my greatest pride, my little Portuguese Water dog. He was pretty much everything I had.
I poured kibbles in his bowl and went on a search for my black kind of grunge messenger bag. I found it on the floor in between a stack of books and a dying plant.
I threw my book inside and slipped on my black Triple S Balenciaga sneakers. After I gave a goodbye snuggle to my dog, I was out of my apartment. While I pressed on the elevator button I put on my headphones and shuffled through my favourite playlist, putting the volume to the max.
Turning to the left as I exited the building, I walked to my favourite coffee shop, The Nevermore. I was still confused to why they named it that. As long as they made orgasmic coffee I didn't care. Seriously, what the fuck did they put in them?
I asked for my usual which was a vanilla ice coffee with oat milk and sweet cold foam on top. I ran out to catch my bus as I carefully tried not to spill anything.
You'd wonder why a wealthy young adult didn't own a car and I'd agree with you. But that certain wealthy young adult couldn't pass the driving test and gave up after the fifth attempt.

This Could Be So Easy
FanfictionEmma Bianchi is a senior in high school who lives in Los Angeles. As she stumbles in her English class she's met with someone familiar who will make this year a whole lot more interesting. Miss Johansson believes to be a very ethical person, what wi...