Chapter 8: Bunyip-Man

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He waves up his missing arm.

???: Yep, babies like to be fed palms up, one mistake I won't make twice. Yeah we were both learning back then.

Mei: Uh, did you just call it Lucy.

You can see that everyone else in the group was just as surprised as you were.

???: Yep, that's her name.

Taylor: And yours is?

???: Oh lots of things, Kaiju Whisperer, Never Never Nut, Whoop Whoop Wallaby, Crazy Son of A Bitch. Oh and uh Lefty. I mean seriously its Righty people.

Y/N: Do you have a preference?

???: Hmm, Bunyip-Man.

After that strange encounter, you follow Bunyip-Man into his cabin. It is pretty basic nothing much but a bed a counter and a back room.

Bunyip-Man: There. Lay him right there.

Taylor, who had been carryong Boy this whole time, put him on the bed. You see Bunyip-Man go into the back room and come back with a set of zoom-lens goggles as he goes to look at Boy.

Bunyip-Man: Three punctures, central injection fang. That's a Kaiju tick alright, a real pain to remove. How'd you get it off.

Mei: Gave it a few punctures of my own.

Bunyip-Man: Ah, nothing left of it then.

Hayley: Who cares. Can you help him.

Bunyip-Man: The problem is, them doodlebugs don't bite people kind.

Hayley: Isn't like most people.

You see Bunyip-Man give Hayley a look.

Y/N: Does it matter if its a Kaiju or not?

Bunyip-Man: I've been studying Kaiju ticks, them being the biggest natural threat to Kaiju and all. I can't really help him if I don't know what he really is.

Hayley and Taylor look at each other before speaking up.

Taylor: We sort of found him, in a lab. We thought he was just a regular boy until he turned into something else. A Kaiju.

Hayley: He saved us from a Copperhead.

Bunyip-Man: Oh the Copperhead. I know him well. Used to come here all the time to check on his younglings.

Y/N: Younglings?

Hayley: That thing had kids.

Bunyip-Man: Three of 'em actually. There used to be four until one of them...

Mei: How about we stay on task?

Bunyip-Man: Oh, right right, this little fella.

Hayley: He's not a killer like other Kaiju. He's an innocent.

Bunyip-Man: Ah, now it makes sense, him being Kaiju with dash of human DNA, most likely. Hmm, I wonder how its grafted. Their tri-helix shouldn't be compatible with our double...

You start thinking about the scientists at the labratory you were in. Could they have created Boy too? Were you two the same? Your mind kept turning, thinking about these things when you hear the group start talking about the Sisters.

Bunyip-Man: Ugh, hideous hell maidens. They sneak in and rustle up all my babies. I hate 'em.

Taylor: They rustle Kaiju.

Bunyip-Man: With other Kaiju. They have some unholy mental bond. Not sure who's, slave to who. So I catch their vicious little blighters and feed them to my Kaiju.

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