First Period Around The Boys - Bonus Scenes 😳🩸

Start from the beginning

Crosshair didn't seem to notice, panic-stricken eyes facing forward but focused on nothing, yet Nik got the vibe his mind had him entranced on something horrific of its own making. Something his self-proclaimed buddy had not been made aware of before subjecting him to this harmless exercise. "Crosshair." Nik repeated more sternly, pushing towards the man who's face was twitching as he tries unconsciously fighting away the oncoming attack.

Guilt gnawed at Nik's insides when the first signs of Crosshair's gasping for air were backed by little, uncharacteristic whimpers. So he sprung into action when his saying Crosshair's name didn't break through the soldiers crazed mind. He didn't know if tearing off the sticky tabs while the simulator was on would hurt him or Crosshair, Nik just acted on his protective, older brother instincts. Against the protests of the nurse, with one yank all the cords were torn off with Crosshair gasping back down to reality, Nik hoped. Doubling over, the sniper curled up on his now covered but still wavering stomach.

If his actions did help Crosshair even the slightest, Nik would soon learn it didn't last. Standing above him, the twi'lek cautiously reached down to the soldier while soothingly murmuring his name, but out of nowhere the triggered man pounced, shoving Nik away with all his might. Nik felt the wind knocked out of him upon colliding with the makeshift wall, and it fell along with him, scaring the nurse and patient out of their seats in the next cubby.

Like a scared animal trying to escape a cage Crosshair launched himself from the seat his mind made him believe he'd been fastened to, only to recoil when his assigned tormentor dressed in white blocked the exit and shouted for help. Several shouts of annoyance from all around only furthered Crosshair's agitation, and his glassy, crazed eyes darting this way and that.

When a recovered Nik tried the calm approach again Crosshair could only recoil again, tripping backwards then just plain scrambling as far as away as he could with a feral, "Get away from me!"

To show he meant no harm Nik innocently threw his palms up -

It was as if Crosshair had seen a scary demon. The flip switched again and it was heartbreaking to see him violently flinch and cower, shoving himself as far as he could against the thin wall, an abused child trapped in a grown man's body making himself as small as possible. He had shown weakness. He had lashed out. He had disappointed them. "'m sorry." Crosshair blubbered up to the imagined monster.

This was all so messed up.

"Cross -" Nik tried again.

The sternness of his tone was mistaken, and Crosshair furiously kicked away as far as he could. "I'm sorry!" The cardboard-like wall shuddered and threatened to give out under his frantic movements.

All of this this raw emotion, all this manic moving, it looked, sounded, and felt like it was coming from a completely different person. This was not put together, confident, dare Nik say 'suave' man he had brought in here.

It was in that moment, Nik knew he karked up big time.

But not even having more than a couple of actual one-on-one conversations heavily based on begrudging small talk, how could Nik have possibly known that this sort of thing would've given Crosshair a major trauma response from Kaminoan actions he was not fully aware of yet?

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