Season 2 - 6: Meeting Some Harad

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(It's time ......for another chapter.......lets gooooooooo. nothing is mine)

Y/n's castle a few weeks back 

3rd person P.O.V

In a dark room lit with candle light with four cloaked figures surrounding a very confused Clementine and very scared Yifil who was shaking non stop.

Clementine: "Uhhhhhhh what is this? Some sort of cult sacrifice?"

One of the cloaked figures removes their hood revealing it to be Yuri Alpha. Yifil was still shaking in her boots.

Yuri: "Sisters we gather here tonight to welcome our new members of lord Y/n's harem."

Clementine: "Wait......That's it? That's why you dragged us both here?......WHAT THE HELL BITCH!?"

The rest of the hooded figures remove their cloaks reveal Beta, Delta, and Gamma.

Yuri: "Look, we don't really know you two. Lord Y/n {who we love} just brought you here out of the blue so pardon me for taking precautions."

Beta: "I don't get the cloaks though couldn't we have dressed in something else?"

Gamma: "I don't find it so unplesant."

Delta just hugs herself in the cloak.

Delta: "..........So cozy........"

Beta: "Also I don't even want to welcome Clem! Yifil I don't mind since I think she's adorable when she's scared, but Clem I don't like!"

Clementine: "I think you're still salty that a flat chested vampire got knocked up before you did~"


Beta: ".......You take that back bitch........"

Clementine: "Make me~"

Beta just smiled at her fellow maids like "this bitch" before tackling Clementine to the ground clawing and biting while clementine tries to get her off.

Gamma and Delta were watching the fight wondering why they were hearing cat noises. Yifil was mumbling to herself in her native tongue in fear until Yuri placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Yuri: "Be honest with you love lord Y/n?"

Yifil blushed, but gave a small nod.

Yuri: "I understand the feeling, how could you not? He's brave, strong, kind, and hot~"

This only made Yifil Blush harder.

Clementine: "HEY! I love him to! [to Btea] Ow stop it!"

Yuri: "That is only because he gives you power...."

Beta: "YEA! [to Clementine] hey quit pulling on my ear!

Yifil: "H-How I get him?"

Yuri: "Oh, well that's the easy part~"

Haradrim camp present day.

Your P.O.V

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