Chapter 27

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After not being able to give Eric an answer, the atmosphere between has become strained, and this continued for several days. On the Saturday, everyone left the house to go to the public hall for the vote. The car drive there was suffocating, with Eric driving slowly and torturously, and me sandwiched between Reynard and Grayson in the back, trying my best to avoid catching Eric's eyes in the rearview mirror.

'So this vote.... Is it an overall majority?' I coughed uncomfortably, looking out the window on reynards side.

'Yeah, basically. Its how things roll. John does not really need to be voted back in since be basically transferred, but given the whole pack being obliterated thing, they both need their place in the pack to be decided by the pack.' Reynard huffed, his large hands swinging between his legs.

'Why does the fact their pack is dead play an important role? Do you not trust them?'. Reynards eyes snapped towards me.

'Careful Lia. Some werewolves don't like the idea of accepting a werewolf that is without a pack. No reference should we say of their chatacter. The same applies to you.'

'Im not a werewolf though,'

The atmosphere became more tense if possible as soon as I voiced out the fact that I wasn't a werewolf as the unanswered question hung in the air: Would i ever become a full blooded werewolf?

As we neared the public hall, I kept thinking about John and his mate Maybel. There was a possibility that they might not get in, the rest of the pack could vote no But John was a former member, why would they vote to reject him? The warning of the haven pack seemed to be taken without much notice by Nathan, Eric and the rest of the pack. I also knew that without a doubt that the pack would vote him in now, along with his mate.

But I couldnt help feeling like something was wrong. It may just be maya getting under my skin but what if they were right? What if John and Maybel had a role on their packs murder?

The car rolled to a stop outside the public hall. When we got out I could see that the public hall was a very plain looking building that looked almost like a longhouse. There was a wooden symbol hanging above the door which looked like a tree with the sun on one side and the moon on the other, and what looked like a ribbon wrapped around the tree.

Before I knew what was happening, Eric had snatched my hand in his making me spin around to look at him.

'Eric, I thought you were giving me time to think?' I murmured, the warmth and slight dampness of his hand making my heart sped up.

'I know, but I need to make it clear to the rest of the pack that you are with me.'


'Werewolves don't like strays,' Grayson spat, storming into the public hall. I sighed, looking towards Eric's rigid shoulders.

'How much of a problem could this be?' I asked.

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