life's best time

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Time skip (after breakfast)

Y/n: Chim where is your parents?

Jimin: oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you actually yesterday they went for shopping and they met one of our relative and they live here only so they invited my parents for dinner. As it was too late they're staying there only.

Y/n: didn't they invited you?

Jimin: they did but the situation of yesterday I wasn't able to leave you alone~

Y/n: but Chim, that's wrong you should be there.

Jimin: how can I leave my bestie there only when she is not fine.

Y/n: okay whatever

Jimin: y/nie, listen uncle and hyung have a surprise for you.


Jimin: of course. Why would I lie to you?

Y/n: omg I'm so excited!!

Y/n was talking to Jimin suddenly she got a call from jungkook as she picked up.


Jungkook: hey y/nie

Y/n: hey Kookie, how are you?

Jungkook: I'm good actually y/n I have called you for 2 reasons.

Y/n: yeah say what is it?

Jungkook: first of all I really wanna say I'm sorry and thank you so much

Y/n: that's okay kook don't be sorry because Oppa already made dad understand the whole situation. And about thank you it's not a big deal we're best friends and cousins as well so yeah don't be.

Jungkook: aww, so sweet of you y/nah. And yeah the second news is a good news that me and Sara is going to be engaged in somedays.

Y/n: that's great I'm so happy for you kook.

Jungkook: yeah and everyone have to come and even tell Jimin to come at my engagement.

Y/n: yeah of course I will come to your engagement.

Jungkook: I will send you the date okay?

Y/n: yeah okay, anyways where you guys went suddenly.

Jungkook:oh yeah actually dad got an urgent call from company so we have to come back to LA.

Y/n: oh no worries you both enjoy and start you shopping as well

Jungkook:  *giggles* okay y/nah.

Y/n: *giggle* cutie okay then say my hello to sara and see you soon.

Jungkook: okay sure see you soon bye.

Hanged up.

Jimin: so what is he saying?

Y/n: ah yeah he was saying that Kookie and Sara is going to engage so they invited us for they engagement ceremony.

Jimin: oh that's great but what do you mean by us?

Y/n: huh you Pabo, he invited you as well.

Jimin: oh okay but what is the date?

Y/n: he said he will send us the date.

Jimin: oh okay.

???: so what you guys are talking about?

Y/n: ah Tae Oppa, Dad*she explained everything*

Taehyung: oh okay that's great then anyways let's go are you ready?

Y/n: mmm yeah I'm excited .

Taehyung: okay then let's go!! But wait let me call Mia and ava too.

My Childhood Best friend ( Park Jimin FF) (Completed) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon