Chapter 2 His Butler, Strongest

Start from the beginning

Soon as ther two Noble Left the manor Ciel, Saphira, Lau and Madem Red went to another room to have Sebastian to serve some tea. while Madem brought her butler too name Grell.

"Sebastian: Your tea. We have a speical Dajeeling blend to offer from fortnum and Mason today.''

Lau: Smell lovely. Tea can be ecellent when made well.''

Back of the room Grell was awe struck by Sebastian.

"Madam Red: Grell.'

"Grell: Uh, yes ,my lady."

"Madam Red: Learn something from sebastian.'

Grell sadly look down 

" Grell: Yes"

"Madam Red: Just look at hmm. I Mean, This Physique!"

Madem Red started to touch Sedastian behind hime and he started to freak out and Made Saphira Giggle gently earning a playful glare from her mate Sebastian.

"Madam Red: You should quit this country job and come work with me in the city!''

"Ciel{ Clear throat}: Ahem Madem Red''

"Madam Red: Oh, sorry! I couldn't help it. He look like he need a physical. Just a doctor habit.

Then a tic appear on ciel head and still make His sister giggle quitely but she cover her mouth while sipping her tea.

"Lau: So,, do you believe the drugs trafficker you're after was one your guests today"

"Ciel: Perhaps"

"Madam Red: why not leave the extermination to Lau? A rat know best where a rat's nest is, doesn't he?"

"Lau: I'm but a tame guinea pig dedicated to my lord and lady. If the Erals instructs  me not to act.I'm bound to do nothing."

then Madam red take Ciel and Saphira into her arms pull away from Lau.

"Madem Red: watch it? You'd best keep your filthy paws off my darling nephew and Niece!''

"Lau: You wound me! I would never paw at them in their own home, dear Madam!

She let them go and glare at Lau

"Madam Red: Are you saying yopu would if you were eleswhere? Careful you're pn thin ice now Sir''

Soon Saphira and Sebastian look at ciel leaving the room got bit of a head ache before she follow her dear brother into the hallway with Sebastian.

"Sebastian: Master, Mistress Today's Dessert, it's a deep dish pie perpare with fresh apples and Raisins. It will be ready soon. Would you like to eat with your guest?''

"Ciel: Bring it to our study. we're done here... Saphira ill see you at the studyroom"

"Saphira : Alright Ciel"

They watch Ciel walk back to the study room while Saphira kneel down pull her hand out for the rats and they ran toward her hand. then place them in the net. Soon Ciel leaves while they are distracted, and when he goes to his office, he is grabbed by an unseen attacker.

Later, in another mansion, the attacker reveals himself to be Azzurro Vanle , a drug dealer for the Italian Mafia. He asks for Ciel to cooperate, but the latter responds that, as part of  Queen Victoria's decree, the key for the storehouse of drugs is to be delivered to the government. Azzurro slaps him, and tells an associate on the phone that negotiations are over.

Meanwhile, at Phantomhive Manor, a hired sniper attempts to shoot and Mey-Rin, but misses them both by a hair. Mey-Rin falls on top of Sebastian, but soon recovers and gives him a ransom note she has found. After reading it and confirming that Ciel has been kidnapped, Sebastian hands Baldroy the pie he has made for Ciel and asks him to clean it up. Before Baldroy can question if they can eat it, Sebastian is already gone Along with Sahpira.

The snipers call Azzurro via a car phone to inform him that they failed. They, then, notice that someone is following them. Azzurro listens on, first in amusement, and then in horror, as the men are attacked. Sebastian answers the phone and states that he is looking for his master. When Ciel barks, Sebastian says he understands and that he is coming with Saphira at his side.

''Sebastian: Thank you for the use of you field telephone. And now, there are few things that we like to ask you about, if that alright."

"Saphira: First, I'd like to know who you work for. Hurry up, Now I dont think Sabastion isn't patient man, And you do remember what happened to humpty dumpty, don't you"

"Snipper: O-our employer's Name is Azzurro Vane. He has a hideout in the city. It's in the east end.''

Both Saphira and Sebastian stand up with a chuckle and smile abit.

"Snipper: We just work for him!"

"Sebastain: But of Course. We're understand. We are very sorry to have interrupet your work, gentlemen"

Both of then jump off the  hood of the car and watch it tilt backwards an fell off the edge of the cliff before Sebastian toss the snipper the unhook phone. Sebastian pull out his Pocket watch to chest what time it is.

 On the other hand, the upset Azzurro orders his men to guard the mansion; even so, Sebastian and Saphira manages to easily slip through, and They are able to effortlessly cut down the large number of heavily armed guards.

Back at the Phantomhive estate, the servants wonder where Sebastian and Ciel are and if they can eat the pie. Baldroy decides to eat the pie, but they momentarily discover that they are missing knives and forks.

Meanwhile, Sebastian pulls silverware from his sleeve to eliminate the guards and Saphira pull out her daggers as well an kill every guards around the room. they enters the room where Azzurro is holding Ciel and attempts to offer the ransom. However, hidden gunmen shoot Sebastian numerous, seemingly fatal times, and he falls to the ground but Saphira pull out her pistol an shoot at the couple of them then glare at Azzurro with a death glare.

Azzurro taunts Ciel, stating his intention to sell him. Suddenly, Ciel tells Sebastian to quit playing.

Azzurro threatens to kill Ciel, and Ciel, Saphira and Sebastian banter over the next action to take. Azzurro fires the gun, but is unable to kill Ciel because Sebastian has caught the bullet. Sebastian, then Saphira, grabs Ciel and unties him, while Azzurro begs for his life and tries to bribe him. However, Sebastian declares that he has no interest in the "waste made by man," and explains that he is a . He transforms into his true form, while explaining the he has with Ciel and Saphira. It is assumed that he kills Azzurro.

Afterward, Ciel, Sebastian and Saphira return to the manor, where they are warmly greeted by the rest of the Phantomhive household. Sebastian then apologizes for his failure to prepare dinner but Sebastian told Ciel that Saphira is his mate so Ciel allow him ti date his sister but is Sebastian Broken Saphira heart there will be consequences.

Soon at night Saphira was standing there facing the night sky with a sigh and while wearing her Night wearing then the Door knock and told to come in, as the door open it was Sebastian walk in the close it behind his slowly walk over to her from behind slowly wrap his arms around her an holding her close towards his chest.

"Sebastian: My dear... Your brother allow me to date you cause i told him that your my mate"

"Saphira: I see... but im glad that he ok with us being together Sebastian" 

They look at each other then lean forward and press there lips together and kiss each other under the beautiful night sky and the full moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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Saphira Rose Phantomhive Ciel Older sister ( Black  Butler Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now