17. Macenna

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Dedicated to HayleyLHeureux
Dedicated to BreanneLHeureux

The sound of that condescending voice ignited Macallan's fury, quickly turning to frozen hatred and his eyes narrowed with disbelief.

Macenna sauntered out of the shadows of the surveillance room. He casually walked up to Macallan, with his hands outstretched cynically.

"What? No happy reunion hug? No joyous relief to see a familiar face? A family member at that? Why Macallan, I'm crushed," Macenna exaggerated with a flourish of his hand.

"You PIECE of SHIT, ALABAMA, country fuck!" Macallan bellowed throwing his cowboy hat to the side, "your ass is mine now!"

In the blink of an eye he had his hands around Macenna's throat pushing him back the way he came slamming him against the wall.

"You fucking rebel bastard, what are you doing here?!" Macallan bit out, barely suppressing his boiling anger, spraying spittle in Macenna's face.

"I belong here asshole and I made sure your fucking ungrateful ass was rescued!" Macenna choked, grabbing Macallan's hands, desperately trying to loose his brothers deadly grip.

"I don't need your help!" Macallan answered with a harsh growl pressing a little harder against Macenna's neck.

Macenna reciprocated in kind and like lightening, clenching his hands around Macallan's neck and squeezed.

They locked eyes neither willing to give an inch, then with startling velocity they tangled, testing each other's strength with head locks, bitter words and well placed fists.

Splatters of blood flew, the puppy barked and Reese, well he laughed out loud.

James smiled and leaned against the wall at his back for the show.

Lacy and Krisslyn stood up, both their mouths gaping open.

The rest of the men there, having not been truly introduced, all stood up for action but Reese interrupted with a firm, 'stand down,' order, because it should have been obvious to anyone here with eyeballs in their head, hell Reese knew it the moment he had seen Mac at the gas station.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT BROTHER!" Macenna screamed hoarsely.


Macallan bounced back ducking a swing and thrusting forward with a quick fist jab to Macenna in the eye.

Macenna's head snapped back but he quickly closed back in on Macallan and tried to knee him in the groin but Macallan was ready for it. He knew Macenna fought dirty. He jumped back and pulled Macenna by the neck and hair, smashing his head to the floor.

"You tell me right the fuck now! What the fuck are you doing here Macenna! You rat assed pansey fuck!" Macallan panted between his clenched teeth. He pulled off of Macenna and backed up two steps until Macenna got up and then he threw fists.


In his brothers face.

Macenna spun around from the rock hard impact, finally caught himself and leaped at Macallan, this time with a knife. He stalked at Macallan like a ninja killer, hunched over and slicing back and forth as he moved forward inch by inch.

"YOU COULD NEVER TAKE THE TRUTH YOU FUCK! That's what just irked me about you Mac! You still can't! I see Lacy with you but she don't look like she's been very well fucked brother.."

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