Nicki's back

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I woke up with the sound of doors slamming. Groaning I put my head under my pillow to try to cancel the noise out. My parents must be up I thought to myself. Anxiety started flooding through me as I thought about my parents divorcing. Which one would I live with? They've been together for almost twenty years and they decide to get divorced now? Taking a deep breath I tried to calm my anxiety down.

With a sideways glance I looked at my alarm clock to see that it would go off in about five minutes. Debating with myself about whether to get up or to fake sick to stay in bed. The logical side of me won which means time to get up.

Putting my hot pink fuzzy slippers on I grabbed my clothes and worked my way to the bathroom. As I looked at myself in the mirror I stopped and examined myself. My hair was blonde just like everyone else's except with a pink streak, my eyes were a light green nothing fancy and my body was average. Why was I popular?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I took a medium length shower, the hot water felt wonderful on my aching muscles due to cheer practice. Getting out of the shower I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. With a finishing touch I added a little mascara and lip gloss.

  When I headed down stairs both of my parents were gone. This seemed to be a habit of them now.  Living with my parents now felt like owning my own place except I didn't have to pay the mortgage.

 Starting up the coffee maker I put two slices of toast in the toaster and started thinking about last nights study session.  I thought it would be more fun studying with Patrick but instead it was boring. When Nicki and I would study together we would normally gossip or read out loud the texts we would get.  Patrick was hard to read when you get him by himself.  He's very guarded.  When we were studying not once did Patrick look up at me.

 I was brought back to reality by the ping of the toaster.  

 Carefully grabbing my toast out of the toaster and onto the plate I moved over to where the coffee maker was and poured myself a large mug of it.  Walking over to the table I sat down and placed my plate on the table in front of me, leaving the mug in my hand.  Inhaling the smell of the delicious goodness I took my first sip of the morning.  

  After eating my toast I decided to turn on the electric fire place in the living room for a few minutes.  Turning on the fire place I looked up to see all of our family pictures.  We use to be a happy family.  Even my older sister, Stephanie use to come home from college on the weekends.  Looking at the  picture of my sister and I at the beach brought back memories.  

 Shaking my head out of the clouds I heard a honk outside of the house.  Looking outside the window was Nicki in her convertible.

 I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out the front door to greet her.

 When I got to her car she opened up the passenger door welcoming me in. 

 "Good morning darling." Nicki said to me while studying her nails. 


 Nicki smiled and drove off from my house. 

 The drive to school was silent.  This wasn't like Nicki at all.  Normally she pounced on me the second I got into the car.

 "Why did you pick me up this morning?" I asked Nicki.

 Nicki looked at me with a surprise look on her face.  "That's what best friends do Peyton." 

 Not wanting to dig for any more information I left it at that.  

 Pulling up to her usual parking spot we both got out of the car at the same time.  Nicki walked up to me and gave me a hug. 

 "You looked like you needed a hug." Nicki exclaimed as she pulled away from our short hug.

 "Is there something you want to tell me?" Nicki added while looping her arm into mine as we walked into school.

 "My parents are getting a divorce." I whispered to her.

 Nicki pouted and gave me another hug while patting my back.  

 "We'll go out shopping after school to cheer you up." Nicki told me before blowing kisses and walking to first period. 

 Maybe Nicki was a good friend after all.  

 I am so sorry guys!  This summer has been going by really fast.  The next chapter will have more drama and the story will start moving much faster!  

 Do you guys think Peyton should be trusting Nicki again so easily?

 I'll update ASAP!

Love, Kait xo

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