Bonus Chapter 1

Depuis le début

"Umm... sure." That got him to finally look at me. He was looking at me yet again with those dark, mesmerizing eyes, and I couldn't explain the feeling I was getting in my stomach. He simply placed his large hand on my thigh, before speeding off behind Xander.

During the whole car ride, he kept caressing my thigh, and the moment we reached, he pulled me closer to him to the point where I was almost sitting on his lap. "Don't fucking tease bambina." He whispered darkly and finally connected our lips together.

We had to pull back because my brother was obnoxiously honking the car, and when we finally looked at him he groaned, "For the love of god, stop sucking each other's faces." I blushed deep red and quickly got out of the car.

Xander's eyes once again zoned in on my dress and its length and he once again cursed. I paid no attention to him, and soon fetched three mics from my purse. "Put these on. The plan is simple, I will go in and accidently stumble into Santiago's private room, where I'll pretend as if my friend," I looked at Xander, "Asked me to be here. Then I'll obviously get closer and seduce him till he gives us information. Ace, you also need to seduce some members of his mafia to get information from them."

Both Ace and Xander looked ready to argue but one look from me shut them up. I flipped my head down, causing my hair to be ruffled up, and when I put it back up, it looked perfect. With that, I entered the club, the music loud enough to make the ground vibrate.

I got to the bar and make sure that the people in the private room 3 could see me. This whole bar was my brother's and Santiago coming here with his friends, he was trying to mock us. I ordered three tequila shots and Xander, Ace and I all took one, before moving our separate ways.

It finally came where I had to go up and seduce him, and I wasn't scared. I knew things could go south very soon, but with my brother and boyfriend I was sure nothing would happen. Things happened very soon, and somehow I ended up on Santiago's lap and at this point I was really scared.

A few girls who were on his friends' laps had been taken away and I knew the outcome. It was simple use and throw and this honestly horrified me. I waited a few more minutes to see if he would tell me anything, or I would use our code word to call Ace and Xander.

"Can you call for some tequila shots babe?" I hiccupped, pretending to be drunk, and not a few moments later, both the boys entered the private room. "Sia, your mother, she's seriously ill and is being operated in the hospital." Ace said, acting as if he too was panicking.

I turned back to look at Santiago, and blinked through my lashes, "Would you please drop me to the hospital, I would get any taxi this late." I let out a small, fake sob. He nodded, looking worried and slightly disturbed.

We all rushed out of the crowded club, but Santiago kept a tight, firm hold on my hand and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him to loosen his grip. Somehow, luck was in our favor as his car was across the dark alley, and as soon as we were close enough, Ace kicked him from behind and Xander kneed him in the head.

I genuinely let out a cry and hugged Xander, "I was so scared. I thought he would actually take me, and I don't know what I would've done." Xander immediately began rubbing his hand up and down my back, while Ace brutally began hitting Santiago.

"How dare you try and fuck with my girl."

"Ace, that's enough." Xander yelled, leaving me, and going to stand besides Ace. "You fucking scumbag, you come to my club, then you have the audacity to threat my baby sister. I should shoot you for even daring to look at her."

Soon enough, Santiago had multiple bullets in him, and a picture of his was taken and put on the mafia leaders group, daring anybody to go against the Russian and Italian mafia. Somehow, through that all, my oldest brother was kept in the dark about the events and I hoped he never found out.

"Vince wants to speak to you, alone." Xander told me. I knew I was in for a good yelling, and I knew that prolonging it wouldn't help my case. I quickly scurried towards his office, knocking nervously. "Come in."

"Sit bambina." He said as soon as he saw me, putting away all the papers that were scattered all over his desk. "Did you or did you not go for the mission when I strictly instructed the boys that they shouldn't inform anybody about this."

"I am not a weak little girl you think I am Vince. Reality check, I have lived a life much worse before I met you all, and that forced me to grow up."

"But that is the thing sorella, I don't want you to grow up this fast. Just... just promise me that if you ever wanted to go on a mission, you will consult it with me before anything." I nodded, and felt thankful that now, on my one call, I would have a whole army fighting for me.

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