winter wars pt 1

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(It been many months since the United hives became one and thanks to Grimm insight the changelings have became a modern city with technology far powerful then anypony in the world but it was not enough the changelings had plans for the new general)

(In Grimm office)

Changeling solder:general the queen has asked of you

Grimm:(put his work down) I see well let not keep her waiting

(In the throne room)

Chrysalis:ah my favorite human I have a mission for you

Grimm:and that is?

Chrysalis:walk with me(walk outside with grimm)tell me what do you want

Grimm:some alcohol would be good

Chrysalis:hehe do you know what I want

Grimm:I don't know what do you want my queen

Chrysalis:for my people to be full no more hunger just full bellys

Grimm:noble goal but what does it have to do with me?

Chrysalis:everything you gave us black powder weapons and my people are one again but my enemy's want us dead so help me bring them down

Grimm:are you asking me to go to war

Chrysalis:I am

Grimm:all I have to say WHO FIRST

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