"Sure, but I know you're going to judge me."

He twisted the key out of the car and turned his body to face the flustered boy. Jeongin swiped through messages in his phone, looking for the picture.

Damn, they really talked that much? i barely exchanged names with mine. Felix thought to himself as he peeked over the young boys' shoulder.

When Jeongin finally clicked on a picture, he handed Felix the phone. He wrung his hands together, nervous the other would silently judge with those innocent, chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't judge okay, it's just a bad picture." The stress could be heard on the youngers tongue.

"I won't judge you or him, unless it really is an actually bad picture." Felix side-eyed Jeongin with a smirk playing on his face as he looked down at the screen.

" Felix side-eyed Jeongin with a smirk playing on his face as he looked down at the screen

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Wow, not bad. Felix raised an eyebrow and nodded his head of approval.

An audible sigh of relief escaped Jeongin as he clicked his phone off and took off his seat belt.

Felix opened his door and stepped out being met by the chill air. It's too cold for this shit.

"So, what'd you think of him?" Jeongin wrung his hands together as he stood in front of the chick-like man.

"He isn't bad," said Felix.

Jeongin smiled and made his way into the restaurant. They both ordered their food, and enjoyed simple conversations.

Time had passed by quickly when Felix looked at the clock on his phone to see the clock, reading 4:16 pm and a new text message.

His heart skipped a beat as he clicked on the notification. He was so happy to see a new message that-

"Hey! Are you paying attention?" Jeongin smacked the table in front of Felix, quickly snapping the older back into what he was saying.

Felix silently nodded as he sighed and clicked his phone off. Guess I'll have to read that later.

"Anyways as I was saying, " Jeongin started up again. "Seungmin is in this dance group sort of thing and he keeps telling me about all the people in there, it's kind of annoying."

"And why is that?" Felix inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Jeongin filded his arms on the table and placed his head down on them, mumbling into his arms.

"Oh what was that? I couldnt hear you," Felix chuckled, a grin pulling at his lips.

Through another round of pink blush, Jeongin blurted out, "because i want him to talk about me."

"Oh," Felix dragged. "So someone's jealous. I see, I see." Giggles erupted from both men.

A light bulb went off in Felix's head as he smacked the table with a look of realization. "Isn't Minho in a dance group?"

Number Neighbor/CHANLIXWhere stories live. Discover now