Wait...How do you throw the pokeball again?

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Blooming Scarlet

We last left off on our hero Y/N heading towards his doom. Specifically to battle Nemona, his new neighbor and classmate. She had also received a new pokemon that she freeload-I mean she was gifted by Director Clavell to raise alongside Y/N. Before heading down to the location to battle Nemona. Y/N has decided to explore a little bit.

Gosh, she sure does have a nice house, especially since it connects to the beach. Man I can even see the area where we are going to battle. Wow such a nice use of blue and a mixture of colors. Dang who ever built this certainly did their best.

Of course that wasn't the only thing that caught his mind. A pokeball caught his interest and opening it was a potion. Suddenly entranced by the discovery he set off trying to find even more items around Nemona's house. More potions lay around the back of the house. He even found an antidote and a pokeball that was unused. Sadly all good things must come to and end as Y/N had stumbled off the cliff that faced the battle area.

Nemona: What's taking him so long. I couldn't have scared him that bad right? He must be preparing! Maybe he is the rival I have been looking for all this time! Yes I'm-wait is he falling off the cliff?

After Y/N's cliff falling moment he decided that he could no longer prolong fate. The battle with Nemona was now.

Nemona, noticing Y/N's terrified face, decided to give him a bit of a pep talk.

Nemona: Anyone can be a Pokemon trainer as long as they have pokemon by their side! And it's our duty as trainers to help our pokemon grow stronger through battle! So, you ready to battle me, Y/N.

You know what, yeah! What am I worried about. This is just a friendly battle. She is trying to help me. Yeah I am ready for this.

Y/N: Yes, but uh let me check what moves Fauna has.

Nemona: Sure take your time!

Man, these rotom phones sure do a lot these days. Alright let's check Fauna. Alright she has Scratch, Tail Whip and Leafage. Ok says here that Tail Whip lowers defense and Leafage is a grass type more. Neat.

Nemona: So you ready?

Y/N: Yes!

Nemona: Perfecto! I'm so excited! For this battle, I think I'll use-

Clavell: Miss Nemona.

Suddenly, Director Clavell had come onto the field with Fuecoco waddling behind him.

Clavell: I trust you remember that Master Y/N is wholly inexperienced in pokemon battling?

Nemona: Heh, whoops... Good call, Director. She said with an embarrassed smile.

Y/N of course was confused.

Nemona: I was about to send out one of my usual partners right off the bat...

Until it clicked

Nemona: I guess I'll take this chance to try out my new buddy instead.


Nemona: C'mon, Y/N! Let's have a fruitful battle!

I need to thank the Director some day.

Y/N: Alright!

Blooming ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now