Part 1 the Bad Batch joins the 501st and meet the people in charge.

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Okay this is my first Minecraft Star Wars Transformers Prime crossover story
(Hunter's POV)
I looked around the hanger seeing creatures and clones roaming around doing their jobs Rex stood in front of us "Boys this is the 501st's ship as you can see we have a lot of people here helping us" "Rex have you seen the General and Commander they've should've been back by now to help me with the instant damage and health potions for the mobs and you guys" "they're currently on a scouting mission for separatists on Nabbo" a damaged gunship flew into the hanger as the scouting team returned two Nat borns wobbled out recovering from the turbulence Echo and Fives were helping the Commander who had a few injuries Jesse helped a padawan out of the gunship as the General went to help the Commander who proceeded to throw up in a bucket "Kix can you grab the instant health potions and some bacta" Rex yelled out running over to the Commander we followed
(Anakin's POV)
I rubbed my sister's back as she threw up in a spare bucket Alex had in her inventory in case of this "you alright sis?" I asked she gave me a thumbs up while emptying her stomach Echo held her hair back "well at least she didn't throw up during that" Echo looked at fives and said "not the time for this" Kix arrived at scanned everyone on the scouting team "General there's a high amount of a poison in her system luckily her body's already flushing it out" "yay...*mmph!*" she muttered before throwing up again "oh you must be Clone Force 99 I'm Anakin Skywalker this is my twin sister Neve and our friends Steve and Alex" "I'm Hunter this is Tech, Wrecker and Crosshair" I patted my sister on the back as the poison finished flushing out of her system handing her some water and instant health potion "thanks.." her voice slightly hoarse she used a towel to wipe her face before downing the entire water bottle then the potion "sorry you boys had to see that" she apologised tying her hair up in a low ponytail "it's alright Commander Skywalker" I mentally grinned noticing the slight reddened face of Hunter Rex looked at me saying "she'll kill you" we jumped as Herobrine burst in the room "what the fuck happened to our baby siblings!" Notch came running in followed by Null then Entity me and Neve groaned muttering something in Mando'a "these our older brothers Herobrine Notch Null and Entity" "we're fine!" "Then why did Kix say something about poison" "I AM STILL ALIVE!" I flopped into Rex's chest mentality screaming as he hugged me lovingly
(Steve's POV)
I went to my boyfriend aka Herobrine to stop him from escalating an argument with his sister "Hero she's fine it was flushed out she's okay there's no need to worry about it" I practically calmed him down he huffed before apologised to Neve Notch shook his head before heading back to his room after getting to know Clone Force 99 a bit
(Hunter's POV)
I gaped slightly hearing them speaking Mando'a "I'm gonna eat something because I lost my breakfast and lunch" I looked at Neve before looking away respectfully since her cloak and tunic needed a wash my face went slightly hot Tech stared a bit before going back into his datapad Wrecker was distracted by Fives and Echo chatting about something Crosshair smirked slightly staring at Rex and Anakin Neve left heading to her room I caught something brown and fluffy around her waist
(Neve's POV)
I made it my room sitting on my bed after throwing my bloodstained clothes in the washing machine and threw my black top and shorts on and my purple and blue hoodie I ate my food with my brothers Anakin fiddled with the illusion charm around his neck before taking it off "okay so since Clone Force 99 will be apart of the 501st we should be ourselves" I nodded in agreement still chewing my food with my hood up hiding my ears "speaking of which...hey boys come sit by us!" Rex called them over Hunter sat next to me "so since you wondering why we look what we look like well..." Notch proceeded to tell our story about how they were adopted by our mother "we met their father once but he was killed by a Sith when Neve and Anakin were around 5 years old then...their mother" I let out some air feeling my ears lower under my hood my eyes started glassing over "I'm just going to sort out something in my room" I said faking a smile as I scurried to my room as soon as I made it closing my door I sat down next to my bed crying into my arms curled up into a ball I didn't want my family seeing me cry over something I should've gotten over
(Herobrine's POV)
I faced my family "we should check on her" Anakin was already heading to her room Notch, Null and Entity were up on their feet with Alex and Steve following after Null explained what happened I faced Clone Force 99 they were confused and worried "you guys should come as well" I got to my feet and followed the others with Clone Force 99 behind me we could feel her sadness as soon as we got in her room me and Anakin sat next to her "Neve I'm sorry I brought it up" "n-no it's not your fault Notch I should've g-gotten over the f-fact d-dad and m-mom are dead" I gave my sister a brotherly hug with Anakin "hey I know the wound is healing it's okay to cry about it you think your older brothers and little brother don't cry over that" "you do?" I nodded she broke down crying again with her brothers giving their love to their precious innocent sweet little and big sister "if it'll make you any better we sometimes cry over some sad things as well" Hunter said Anakin moved to let him sit next to her "yeah it's true" "we don't have hearts made of stone" "it's alright to cry about the hardest things in order to feel better about it later" "and not bottle it up like you do it's obviously a painful subject but talking about is a why to deal with the negative impact on you" I realised what my youngest brother was hinting at and why Cody and Obi-Wan requested that Clone Force 99 joins the 501st "thank you" my sister said in a sore voice wiping tears from her eyes
(Hunter's POV)
I really wanted to know what Neve was so self-conscious about "so will you take your hood down if you want to" I swore to myself mentally "well seeing as how your curious alright" I watched as she pulled down the hood letting ears come into view and untucking a fluffy tail I reached over touched her head she faced me fully her ears sticking up straight I brought my hand back "I'm sorry I didn't mean to tou-*mph!*" "no it's alright you can touch them it's just the only people who know that I look like this other than my family is the entire 501st Padme Cody and Obi-Wan they alway say be who you are with it doesn't matter well the first time I did that it was outside the Jedi temple well the people who walk past either say that I'm a freak of nature or a monster" I felt my heart break "is that why you hide the parts that make you well you?" I saw her nod I touched her ears feeling the fur "their so fluffy and soft plus it makes you look cute....!" I covered my mouth "kriff did I say that shit nice job Hunter way to show you like her and her personality" I heard her squeak "ehh!?" I saw her face go bright red "you probably read my mind" she nodded "it's just no one said anything nice to me outside of well those I trust" "well personally I don't care what others think about you to mean your a strong independent and well cute woman" "thanks" "JUST FUCKING KISS ALREADY!" "SHUT UP!" I went red slightly as Neve chucked a pillow at Anakin then chased him around the ship with Notch after them to stop them from fighting Herobrine simply laughed at them "I can see how much you care about her you have mine and my brothers's blessings to date her" "thank you"
And That's part one.

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