"If you plan on getting out of here, I suppose you'll need this, now won't you," he said, holding up a gold key. Luffy looked at it indifferently, and Crocodile threw it into the water through a trap door. Vivi looked on in horror as a Bananadile swallowed it. She frantically relayed this news to the rest of them, and Crocodile laughed again. "I guess you'll have to choose, Princess. Your country, or these pirates." He pressed a switch, and water started flooding out from a larger trap door into the room, reminding them that they were underwater.

Soon, a Bananadile crawled out of the tank, baring it's fangs at Vivi. Vivi seemed to be getting ready to defend herself as it made her way towards it, but then it stopped. Vivi looked confused as the beast turned towards the cage with wide eyes, as if there was something there that had caught its attention. Crocodile and Robin of course noticed, and the former frowned at the lack of human consumption. But then he shrugged and started walking away, and Robin followed. Before they could leave however, the ringing of a transponder snail made itself known. Crocodile frowned again, not expecting a report, as Robin answered it.

"Hello?" she greeted.

"Hello? Hello," a voice which the Strawhats all recognized came. "Is this thing on? I've never used one of these mini ones before..."

"Yes, I can hear you just fine," Robin said. "Are you one of the Millions or Billions?"

"Yea, sure, let's go with that," the voice said, not indicating which one. Crocodile grew impatient.

"Do you have a report to make? Spit it out already," he said.

"Ah, now this voice I recognize," the voice said. "Hello, you've reached the shitty restaurant."

Crocodile immediately understood who he was talking too, and his expression darkened. "Who the hell are you," he growled.

"Oh, me? Well, I don't feel inclined to tell you my real name," the voice said. "But all things considered, I think I'll go with...Mr. Prince."

"Fine then, Mr. Prince, where are you right now?" Crocodile asked in a harsh tone.

"I don't feel inclined to tell you that either, now that you mention it."

"Yo Prince!" Luffy shouted. "We're in a bit of a bind! Mind getting your ass over here?"

"Hmm, that voice sounds familiar too. Alright Sir Crocodile, tell him I'll be there in a-"

Suddenly something that sounded like a gunshot came from the other end of the line. Everyone stiffened as the silence became oppressive. Then, another voice came over the transponder snail. "Hello, is this Mr. 0? Billions agent reporting in. I've just apprehended our attacker in front of Rain Dinner's. He was a tough bastard, but I finally got him."

Usopp and Nami went into full on panic mode at those words, but Luffy and Zoro just wore satisfied grins, leaving Smoker to look at them in suspicion. He kept silent though.

Crocodile strode out of the room followed by Robin, determined to satisfy his vindictive urge to impale something. Luffy watched until they were gone, then turned to Vivi. "Vivi, follow after them but stay in the casino. Sanji isn't the type to lose to cannon fodder." Vivi's eyes widened, realizing what he was implying. She glanced nervously at the Bananadiles that were accumulating in the room, but none of them made a move against her. They were all just staring at the cage hesitantly. She ran up the stairs and out of the room.

Crocodile and Robin looked at the scene before them, one in fury, and the other in wonder. Crocodile turned to one of the few Millions who was still awake. "Who the hell did this?" he asked quietly. "M-Mr-P-Prince..." he managed before passing out. Crocodile's expression turned murderous as he saw a tall, well built man watching them from afar. The man dashed away, and Crocodile glided after him in rage. Robin stared after them. Something about this just didn't feel right to her.

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