Chapter 13: Opposites

Start from the beginning

"I haven't seen them in a long time. Do you think he actually killed them?" The second one fearfully asked. "Because if he did, what's stopping him from taking over the entire universe?"

"Nothing, I guess." The first one shrugged. "I know I would rather have HG take over the universe. He may not be the nicest guy out there, but he's a terrific leader and entrepreneur. After all, we're privileged slaves. We still have our homes, our families, good wages, very low unemployment, a working economy and we're protected from other hostile takeovers. Sure, we have HG and his robots looking over our shoulders, but if we ignore that, it's like a utopia."

"When you put it that way, it does sound like it." The second alien responds. "Though, that flower might stop him."

"Yeah, except she hasn't. He's been set up for a while now, and she hasn't liberated us." The first alien pointed out.

The first alien tapped her feet. "I guess HG has gotten too strong for her. If she can't beat him and if he has killed or scared the other big-shots, who CAN stop him?"

"Nobody, I guess." The second alien was a bit fearful again of how big Huge Gigantacus has gotten in power.

He's too big to fall now... ironic.


Rose teleported to Homeworld upon being told that Huge Gigantacus was there. Much like she planned to, she wants to talk to him. Whether it's about them or just the situation, which all depends on both of them.

She immediately knew where to go, because she could smell the horrendous odor of the black smoke that puffs out through the exhaust pipes of Huge Gigantacus' chair. She sniffed all the way until she found him, on top of the Crystal Entertainment building, staring off into the almost-desolate structures of Homeworld. Homeworld still has little to no gems wandering around the streets, the entire planet is still under lockdown from Huge Gigantacus' occupation around the galaxy.

She wondered if Huge Gigantacus even knew that she was right behind him, or he was just lost in thought. The only sound that their ears could pick up was the mechanical hum of his constant-powering chair that is still puffing out plumes of black smoke. If she had human organs or if she was a normal rose-flower, she would die from inhaling the cancerous smoke too much.

Rose contemplated what she was supposed to say here. The last time they encountered each other, she saved his life and restored his body back to full potential. She was actually nervous for once, which is highly unusual.

Their fights always start with witty banter, Rose annoying Huge Gigantacus by teasing and taunting him with the occasional seductive flirts and blowing kisses, and then they actually fight. Now, she's worried about saying something wrong. Huge Gigantacus is the only person in the universe who she views as a friend... for now.

Steven, his friends, the Crystal Gems and the Diamond Authority don't have the special bond she has with Huge Gigantacus. Of course, they've been fighting for over five hundred years, so they would know each other better than anyone else. However, Huge Gigantacus also gives her some anger and anxiety, depending on the situation.

Surely fuel for Nec'Rose.

"What are you doing?"

Rose flinched, she just noticed Huge Gigantacus had turned around and stared at her.

"O-Oh... how long have you been staring?" Rose inquired.

"Long enough to be confused about why you haven't started with the usual 'hiya HG' and the other annoying crap." The little man replied.

Rose fidgets with her wand, lightly tapping it on her free hand while Huge Gigantacus adjusts on the cushions of his chair.

"I suppose we should talk about our last encounter..." Rose starts.

Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now