Then come find out who i am

Unknown Number
Maybe I should start blocking people 🥴


Unknown Number
Its pretty self explanatory 🤧

But I didnt do anything
Could not send message

This user has blocked you: all further messages will not be sent until this user unblocks you


"Man, what the fuck." Chan sighed as he set his phone on his desk, dragging his eyes from his dark screen to the illuminated computer sitting in front of him, waiting to make songs once again. "I guess I don't have a number neighbor anymore."

The work Chan was putting so much effort into was a diss track. Chan laughed to himself thinking about the title Jisung and Changbin agreed upon. 3racha by 3racha composed by 3racha. It was great, a very straightforward title for a very obvious diss track.

(Do you think that the song is by 3racha? Cuz idk man it might be by 3racha. 😕)

He rubbed his tired, dry eyes as he stared at the computer screen thinking of the last part of his song. Maybe once he finished this last line he'd go to bed. He had a few hours left of the night, and with the half drunken cup of coffee and the urgency of finishing the song, he should be able to get it done within thirty minutes.


Well, that was joke. It had been an hour and a half, his coffee gone, and he still had the last few lines to write.

How did I think I could get that done in thirty minutes? I still have to put the lyrics to the beat. He sighed. I'll do that when Jisung and Changbin come back.

He took a deep breath as he pushed himself from his desk once more and turned to face his room. He stared at the clothes laying on the floor and the messy bookshelves filled with papers and bins of random things. He let out a grunt, feeling his spine clench in pain as he pushed himself from his chair and pulled his sweatshirt off, throwing it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. He flopped onto his bed, pulling the covers half way up his body.

He stared at his ceiling, trying to make his mind go blank, hoping for once he didn't overthink before bed. As much as he wanted to sleep, unfortunately his thoughts took over. Though, thousands of thoughts were running through his mind, one stuck out. Well, two. That boy from the coffee shop and his number neighbor, Lee Felix. He wondered why he got blocked, it was just harmless flirting. Chan shrugged under his covers as he snuggled deeper into the mattress. It seemed thinking about Lee Felix tired his brain enough for him to finally drift to sleep.


On the other hand, the "number neighbor" was sitting on his couch eating spoonfuls of strawberry ice cream as he flipped through channels on his TV. He eventually came upon the documentary "My Planet", listening as it talked about forest animals, and how they might encounter extinction in the upcoming years if we don't stop deforestation. The channel, then showed a scene of animals running deeper into the forest as humans took out trees along the edge slowly destroying the habitat. Felix let out an audible gasp as he continued watching intrigued by the depth the show went into to represent the coming extinction of an animal.

Number Neighbor/CHANLIXWhere stories live. Discover now