Chapter 1

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The sound of a bagpipe playing outside suddenly woke me up.

Who is playing music at this time of day?

I groaned tiredly and closed my eyes again to fall back asleep, until the sound of my door opening caught my attention.

I slowly opened them again, blinking a few times to wake myself up. Suddenly brightness illuminated the room, causing me to squint and blink again to adjust.

"It's 7:30, Your Highness. Time to wake up." A man in a black suit declared.

"Wh— what?" I questioned, confused, still blinking.

"You and the other royals have duties today to visit Evergreen Hospital. You'll be visiting the victims there as your first royal duty." He explained, and then left, leaving me with a tray of food that the maid came in with, which I didn't notice until now.

It has been 2 days since the deadly attack with the Harpies, and 2 days since I found out I was a princess. Which, I'm still trying to process.

It felt like everything came crashing down on me that day. Then I made the hardest decision I have ever made.

Do I miss my family? Greatly; but on that day, at that moment, it was like my childhood self, dreaming of being a princess, kicked in. It made it hard for me to say no.

I regret it dearly, but I couldn't find myself to take back the answer.

I got up from my bed and began to stretch, feeling relief wash over me, and sighed deeply when done.

"That felt good." I mumbled in satisfaction.

I walked out of my room and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, as I didn't like eating without doing so.

"Oh, Your Highness!" A middle-aged lady called to me after I left it. "Her majesty has asked for you to see her in the drawing room."

"The drawing room?"

"Yes, it's like a living room. She'll see you when you've finished breakfast." The lady said, and gave me a kind smile before walking away.

After finishing my breakfast and washing my hands, I headed to the drawing table, which to my surprise, was the same room as last time.

I walked in and saw the queen, my
grandmother, sitting on the couch, talking to a man and woman who were seated in front of her.

"Before this marriage, you will have to give up a few things that you will no longer be able to do; dye your hair, wear certain types of clothes. I will give you a pamphlet later that has more information. Though, you will be given far more responsibilities when you become queen after my death." She told the woman.

"What are they, your majesty?" The woman asked, seriousness in her voice.

Noticing my presence by looking up, the queen replied to the woman, saying, "We will continue this conversation later, I need to speak with my granddaughter before we leave today."

"Okay, Your Majesty, see you soon." The woman stood up from the couch and hugged the queen, the man, whom I assume is my uncle, doing the same. They left, and she gestured for me to have a seat.

"Your majesty." I greeted her, bowing my head and then sat down.

"Hello, dear. You're probably wondering why you are here." She began, pouring me a cup of tea.

"Tea?" I shook my head, declining, and she placed the cup back down onto the table.

"Since you've decided to stay, it's important that you know the basics of how being royal works." She began to say.

"For example, when we met, you bowed to me. You did it again just now as well. Bowing is for the men only. Women however, curtsy. I'm sure you've heard of it, haven't you?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"Well then, let me show you." She said, and stood up from the couch.

"You do it like this by putting your right leg back, and bending the left leg." She explained, demonstrating it.

"Now you do the same." I obeyed, and repeated her action.

"Ace! Now, it doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to remember it's what you're supposed to do instead of bow." She reminded me, and I nodded.

"Alright, take a shower and your stylist will be in your room to dress you." She said, and I replied with an, 'Okay,ʼ " and then left.


When we arrived at the hospital, I couldn't believe my eyes

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When we arrived at the hospital, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Hundreds of people were in beds covered in deep cuts and bruises, and one of them looked to have one of their eyes gone.

I walked up to one of the victims, a young girl around my age with brown hair. A large bandage covered her right eye, and a deep cut appeared visible on her lip, touched with some ointment. She smiled sweetly at me. I returned the smile and said, "Hello, what's your name?"


"That's a beautiful name!" I complimented her, which made her smile wider and look down, blushing.

"Thank you. You're the new princess, right?" She asked, and I nodded, feeling a bit weird to have been be called that. We talked for a few more minutes, until I was asked to go to the next victim.

As I walked to speak to another, two familiar faces caught my eyes.

"Doreah?" The blond-haired little girl slowly looked up at me, squinting in pain. I looked down at her neck and noticed a bandage on it.

Her brother, I believe is named Elwin, didn't have many stitches on him, and only had one or two small cuts on his face.

She smiled happily when she saw me, Elwin doing the same. "Hi, Kara!"

"Hello, guys! What are you doing guys doing here in Amoura?" I questioned curiously, scootching down to their level.

"Our cousin Beatrix lives here, we only came to visit for a few days." She answered, taking her time to speak due to her throat.

"We didn't even get to celebrate our birthday." Elwin interjected, frowning deeply.

"It was your birthday?"

"Yes. Me and Doreah turned 12 on that day. The day the Harpies attacked." He answered in disappointment, the frown still on his face.

I didn't realize they were twins, but now that I look at them, they do resemble each other a lot more than just being siblings.

Suddenly, an idea struck me. "You guys wait here, I'll be right back." I said, and stood back up and walked over to Cassandra, who was talking to a little girl about 5 or 6 years old, with my uncle's fiance, Azariah, next to her talking to an older victim. Her appearance horrified me more than the others I've seen, with her being bruised more severely than I can explain, which makes me wonder how she managed to survive the attack. It made me also feel sad because she's so young.

"Aunt Cassandra?" It still felt weird calling her that. She looked up at my presence, and then told the little girl to hold on for a second, and walked up to me.

"What is it, Kara?" She asked, and I went on to explain my idea to her.

Finally book 2! I'm so excited for you guys to read it😊

This will be longer than the first book, hopefully. I have a lot planned, so I hope you guys will like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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