Under The Mistletoe

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"That's all for tonight everyone, Merry Christmas and I'll see you next term" Harry called out to all of us. I went to find Gennie to say good night, it didn't take long to find her in the crowd of people slowly leaving out of the room of requirements, her bright red hair is hard to miss, I walked over to her and saw her talking to Luna, they both saw me heading towards them "Hey Harper." Luna greeted me with her dreamy voice. "Hey Luna, hey Gennie, not a bad lesson right." "I feel bad for Neville, he was better off with Ron and Hermione then with you, you didn't have to jinx him that bad did you Harps?" Gennie asked. "If I'm being honest I wasn't even trying that hard." I answered. We started to walk out behind the rest of the D.A. "So what are you guys doing for the holidays, daddy and I are going to spend the holidays in south England looking for crumple horned snorkacks. Also Harper your hair is falling out" Luna said matter of factly. I pulled my coppery red hair out of its messy bun and let it fall onto my back in curly waves. "Harry, and Harper are coming to stay with my family at the Burrow." Gennie answered. The three of us stopped at the portrait of the fat lady also known as the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. "Good night Luna, and Harper cya tomorrow." "Night Gennie." Luna and I replied. The two of us started to walk to Ravenclaw tower when I saw a tall figure step out from behind a corner, I would recognize that curly black hair and smirk anywhere. "Riddle." I said practically spitting the name out with annoyance. "Potter watch your tone, I only wanted to know why you and Lovegood are not in bed?" He said in his slightly gruff but somewhat gentle voice. I looked down at my watch and found it was almost 9 o'clock, "were not out past curfew yet. actually most kids who have been studying in the Library start heading back to their common rooms about this time." I replied innocently, "Also it's not really your business and I would like to point out your the one keeping us from getting back to our common room Mattheo." Luna stated in a matter of fact tone. I watched his handsome features slowly turn from a smirk to a frown with pleasure building up inside me as we gave him reasons his Slytherian prefectness couldn't give us detention. "Luna, you go on ahead and I'll finish this conversation with Riddle." I said smugly. "Alright, don't take too long." And she skipped off. Smirking, I said, "What cat got your tongue Riddle." "I know for a fact you weren't at the Library Potter." Mattheo snapped back at me. I covered my shock up quickly with a sickly sweet smile, and with the most sweet, venomous, and innocent voice I had said, "What do you mean Riddle?"
"I was in the Library the whole time, and not once did I see you in there." "Oh you're a stalker now are you, real mature Riddle." I snapped back in my normal voice. "Yeah well you're one to talk about maturity Potter when you're a walking bag of salt." "You need to work on your insults, Riddle, they're comical." I scoffed mockingly. Just then we heard a "Meow" and snapped our heads in the direction of Misses Norris who was schalking away from us obviously going to get Flitch. Mattheo grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hall and into an empty classroom where we hid listening and then we heard it. "What is it my sweet, did you find some students out of bed?" An old scratchy and sickeningly sweet voice said. "I know you're here you rotten little rule breakers." Called out Argus Filch the school caretaker and natorise student hater. "This is your fault." I hissed looking up at Mattheo. "Mine?! you're the one who was being laud!" He Hissed back. "If you hadn't ambushed me and Luna then neither of us would be in this situation!" Then I froze for two reasons. "Come out, come out wherever you are, are you here!." I heard Flitch come around the corner and listened to him say in a disappointed voice, "They must have gotten away my sweet don't worry we'll find them sooner or later." I listened as his footsteps slowly got quieter and quieter. "Finally he's gone." Mattheo said looking out the window of the door, I still hadn't moved my eyes were fixed on something just above mine and Mattheo's heads and my mouth was slightly opened an expression of shock on my face. He looked down at me, saw my expression for himself, and looked up to see what I was looking at, he froze with a dumbfounded expression on his face, if it wasn't for the fact that we were both standing there frozen under MISTLETOE of all things I would have laughed at his expression. He looked down at me and my eyes started darting from the mistletoe, to him and to the door, after about five minutes I said. "Yup this is all your fault we are in this situation." "My fault?! Again, why is it my fault?!" He snapped back. "You're the one who dragged us here!" "How was I supposed to know there would be mistletoe?!" Our faces were slowly getting closer and closer until they were about three inches apart, we were so close to each other that I could smell a faint hint of burning cider. "You're insufferable." I hissed. "And your intoxicating" that's when he kissed me, everything in my brain was wiped away as my eyes fluttered closed and I kissed back my right hand finding its way into his curly hair and my left around his neck I felt his hands wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him, my lungs were starting to burn when we finally broke apart and I leaned my back against the door and he pressed his hands against the door I looked up into his face my blue eyes meeting his dark brown and we just stared at each other red faced and breathing hard, I reached my hand up and twirled my finger through his hair and one of his hands caressed my cheek, we stood there like that for five minutes before my brain finally caught up with what had just happened and I saw him seem to realize what had just happened too, and he smirked down at me. "Your hair smells like cinnamon and coconut." I could feel myself blushing, hard, and his smirk grew bigger. "You have officially become a tomato." He said softly laughing, so naturally I grew even redder and pushed him rushing out the door and sprinting to Ravenclaw tower. When I reached the entrance of Ravenclaw tower I used the brass door knocker, and a sing-song voice said, "I am long and gray, and like to play in the deep blue sea. What am I?" "A dolphin" I answered dully, when the door opened I walked into the common room and made a beeline straight up to the girls dormitory, where Luna and another fourth year girl were talking, ignoring the both of them I flopped onto my bed and face planted myself into my pillow. "Wow what happened to you Harper you look like a hot mess?" Asked the girl. "One word Isabel, one word: Mistletoe." Luna, and Isabel gasped and I could feel their eyes on me. "Wait a moment, the only person you were with when I left was Mattheo Riddle?" Luna said, confused. Isabel definitely saw me stiffen up because the next second she was saying. "Harper. Lily. Potter. Spill. Now."

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