Chapter 25- cautious 

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Ghost and soap were sleeping in their room after a long night, almost everyone was asleep, apart from price, he was still up, Gaz was asleep on the floor he must of passed out, soap and Ghost was still sleeping, soap had woken up and felt that Ghost what's still laying on him, "Ghost..?" Asked soap trying to wake him up, "Ghost...", "Simon...?" Said soap while nudging Ghost, Ghost jumped out off his sleep, and pinned soap against the bed, "Simon.. calm down it's me.." said soap while coughing, Ghost had his arm against soaps chest restricting the male's breathing, "this is hot but.. I can't breathe.." said soap while coughing again, Ghost finally realised that it was soap and move his arm. "Sorry johnny.." said Ghost while letting him breathe, "it's alright. Your just being cautious."

Ghost and soap finally got up out of bed, ghost went into the bathroom slowly, he was in a little bit of pain from last night, he grabbed some bandages and took off his old dirty ones that was on his arm, he cleaned his wounds with some antiseptic, then wrapped the bandages over his wounds, he looked at his wrists he had rope marks on them, Ghost walked back into the room with a fully dressed soap, soap must have been waiting for him, Ghost went to his dresser and grabbed out a clean plain black T-shirt, which was quite tight so it showed of his muscles,  Ghost and soap left their room and walked to the bar area as they thought everyone would be there.

As they got to the bar area they found a lot of mess, Price decided not to clean up last night, soap and Ghost decided to clean up the mess that everyone left behind, price was still drinking a bit, "price!?" Yelled soap, "what..?" Asked price in a drunken voice, "go to bed, you've drank to much" said soap, Ghost was quiet keeping himself busy, piece decided to listen to soap and went to bed, Ghost heard a noise coming room the main hall, he grabbed one of his knife that he hid in a spot that soap wouldn't find it, "I'll go check it out" said Ghost.

Ghost sneaked his was to the main hall, he walked in slowly opening the door, he found General Shepherd standing on the stage waiting for someone, Ghost stared at him with a death glare, keeping his space, being cautious.

(Sorry this chapter was quite shit lol. I hope you enjoyed though)

Army lovers-Ghost x soap - COD mw2 love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें