Chaper 1- The collision

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Welcome to Brodwell Academy ! A school for upcoming and prestigious influencers, our environment insures that your child will receive their high school education and excel on social platforms . For more information call (367)-193-7392 or email us at

Today's was Lena's first day at the academy, after receiving a new massive following on TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube Lena's presence in normal high school became a distraction . So like any good parent would to for their uprising child's education, they send her off to Brodwell in hopes that both her acedemic and social goals would be met .

Lena's pov-
After a long 6 hour drive my parents and I made it to Brodwell. I received a tour of the campus and all that good stuff and put my dorm together with me parents. We said our goodbyes and just like that I was alone in a whole new world. I'm not gonna lie I was extremely excited for this new experience but I was also scared. After taking a few deep breaths and settling in, I decided to text my mom a final goodbye and thank you for everything when i realized my phone was missing. Where could I possibly have left it?? Think Lena think! Okay tracing my steps i went on the tour saw the library and main campus  blah blah blah .. and then .. and then .. OH MY GOSH ! I LEFT MY PHONE IN THE DINING HALL !! Please god if you're listening pleaseee don't let someone steal my phone .. it's quite literally my life at this point. I quickly grab my bag and room key and run out the dorms. I know I probably look stupid sprinting across the campus but everyone here should understand how important a phone is. I finally make it to the dining hall extremely tired but i don't let up. As i'm running through the door i didn't stop to think that people would be literally walking out that same exact door. Suddenly I collide with a tall sturdy physique I accepted my fate and begin the fall backward when two hands reach out and grab me firmly. "Shit i'm sorry, I didn't see you .. I mean you were running through the damn door faster than the flash. You good ?" I looked up to see the face that the deep voice was coming from and I was pleasantly surprised. He was tall with long dark hair, his facial hair was slightly scruffy and he had the prettiest eyes i'd ever seen. I was so lost at the sight when until he spoke again snapping me out of it "Uh? hello?? i'm assuming you got your balance now i'm letting go". His grip loosened and I quickly caught myself on my heels. "Sorry oh my gosh sorry I didn't see you and I was only rushing trying to find my phone and-" he then cut me off, "You mean this phone? I found it on the table over there I was gonna take it to the main office right now". He lifted up a phone with a sparkly clear case, the weight on my shoulders immediately lifted and I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around him " OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! YOU ARE A HANDSOME ANGEL!!"  I tightened my hug on the life saver stranger. "It's no problem i'd be freaking out too if I lost my phone .. I mean it's the reason we're all here .. so I get it" the boy said this as he slightly hugged me back then pulled away. I stood back and reached out my hand "I realized I just jumped up all on you like I know you or something .. my bad man, my names Lena i'm new here" the boy shook my hand "My names Mattia, nice to meet you Lena i'm glad I could be your handsome angel". I smiled a bit at the last part as I took my hand away, I was getting ready to head out when he spoke up again "You said you're new huh, well i'm throwing a party later with a couple friends why don't you swing through? Here lemme get your phone i'll put my number in. If you decide to come, text me". I held out my phone for him to put in his number. He handed it back and smiled "It was nice meeting you Lena, I hope you decided to stop by later" he turned around and walked off.

After the encounter at the dining hall i couldn't stop thinking about the tall stranger. He seemed sweet and I wanted to know more about him, at a school full of influencers I wondered how I never saw him before. For the rest of the night I stalked his socials. As I decided to put my phone up and shower I got a notification.

+1 Follower Mattiapolibio

Heyyy guys it's been a minute omg! This is my new story and hopefully it's better than my last few. I know it's starting off a little slow but i swear i'm now boring.
Please share this with others i'll update as i get more views !!! Share on tiktok tan pages, insta etc :))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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