He lets go of my hand like it just burned him and clears his throat. "Jina, what can I do for you?" He then takes a step back, looking all business like in his formal suit but I don't miss the way his eyes travel down to my chest for a good second. 

My insides are squirming when I answer. "I screwed up my line on stage." 

His lips purse when I say this and he nods knowingly. "I saw that."

I shift from side to side, looking shy and hoping to God that this will work. "I was wondering if I could run them by you if you're not too busy."

"Sure, schedule it in," He says looking at his watch. 

"Are you free now? We don't have dance practice till later so it would be great-"

Mr Wan cuts me off by raising his hand. He puts down his coffee and sifts through his tablet. "I don't see why not. I don't have anyone scheduled in for now." 

"Great!" I smile so wide that it makes him laugh. His eyes crinkle in delight and he looks more excited that I do but then the excitement dims when I mention the other girls wanting to join. I quickly call them over before he can protest and I swear he looks annoyed as we head for the lifts. 

The girls chatter excitedly, telling him they love his work and Mr Wan nods politely. I pretend not to notice him glaring at my reflection in the lift doors. 

Kim, Binna and Liza skip outside once we reach the floor to his studio. I follow suit but he tugs on the sleeve of my arm. 

"I was under the impression you wanted private lessons," He murmurs crossly. 

The fact that he could even think that makes me want to slap his entitled looking face. Instead I smile coyly, swallowing the bile that has inched up my throat. "They begged me to come but I told them to leave once they were done. So we can practice privately."

The lines around his mouth multiply when he smiles meekly and then he releases me. I swallow hard and walk ahead, eager to put some distance between us. There's no way I'm staying back and he's the biggest fool if he believes so. 

Just then a door opens ahead and I stop in my tracks when I see Jiho, Chan and Silver walk out of a practice studio. Jiho stops in his tracks when he sees us and then his eyes narrow on Mr Wan. 

They walk up to us and the boys bow in greeting. "Mr Wan, we've been wanting to practice with you as well."

Mr Wan stares at the group of us, his face filled with bewilderment. "I swear I've never had so many students hounding me for lessons in one go. You guys will have to schedule it in, as you can see I'm busy." 

He gestures at us girls and I can tell that all three Viva boys don't look happy about this. Even Chan and Silver eye us worriedly. 

"Really no room for us?" Silver asks hopefully. 

"Sorry boys. You know how the system works. Book the time slot and I'm yours." Mr Wan puts his hand on the small of my back, urging me forward. 

I notice Jiho's shoulders square, a muscle in his jaw ticks and he glares at Mr Wan openly. I quickly step forward, the feeling of the older man's fingers on my back is repulsive, even through my sweater. 

Chan and Silver back away, looking defeated but Jiho stands still even though we've reached Mr Wan's studio. He unlocks it and the girls walk inside, disappearing from sight.

"Umm, Jina I need to discuss something about our performance." Jiho scratches his head, his eyes pleading. 

I really don't need to be talking to the source of my discomfort but Mr Wan nods, allowing us to speak. 

He leaves us in the empty corridors and once Jiho's sure no ones looking, he grabs my arm and pulls me further away. 

"What are you doing? You know he's an opportunist. There's a reason he's only assigned boy groups and duets." Jiho's face is so full of concern and anger. It only makes him so much more attractive. 

"It's just a lesson. Nothing's going to happen." I cross my arms over each other defensively. It's hard not to be distracted by his broad shoulders and how good they look in the sweater he is wearing.

"We're not allowed in. Meaning I can't save you this time." Jiho runs a hand through his hair in frustration and it falls to his forehead making a beautiful mess. I'm so tempted to run my fingers through those loose strands but then I remember this morning. 

"I don't need saving." I say angrily and then the verbal diarrhoea spews out before I can stop it. "Maybe you should head back to Rachel. She probably needs you more."

Jiho frowns in confusion. "What?" 

"Nothing," I quickly reiterate and then rush away, eager to put some distance between us before I do or say something even more stupid. 

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