I wanna be your boyfriend..

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It then turns 8:00 and I sneak out to go to Stan's house... I see he is waiting outside...

I am really nervous because Stan was out there with just me... I was so nervous that I almost tripped..I then see Stan had he hands me flowers." These are for you." I blush and the flowers are really pretty...I blush even more because he was looking at me. "Thank you Stan.." he then holds me hand looks at me in the eyes and says "Wendy testaburger, I had feelings for you for a long time and I wanna be your boyfriend, so will you go out with me?" I blush bright red and he looks away... "Stan...yes I will be your girlfriend!" He looks at me and blushes "really?" I nod at him he then smiles and holds my hand and kisses my cheek.. "later wends." I blush and he goes back to his house and waves. I blush and walk home happy and excited, me and Stan are dating now!


Me and my boyfriend <3 Stan x wendyWhere stories live. Discover now