"Did she tell you what Dr. Edith suggested?"

"Not at first. She had come home from your appointment and locked herself in her room for the first two days. Nobody heard anything from her so we of course thought the worst had happened but when I would go up and leave food outside of her door I would hear her talking to the kitten so I knew she was hanging in there somewhat."

"But it's been a week," Hermione sounded exasperated.

"Let her finish, Sunshine."

Dora smirked, "thank you Mr. Granger," she dramatically rolled her eyes in Hermione's direction. "She heard me coming up on the fourth day and let me in. She told me everything that happened at therapy and your next task that Dr. Edith suggested. I think maybe she was in there for so long alone trying to decide how she could do this with you. My aunt... she's a very passionate person," Dora seemed to be thinking over her words. "Previously she wouldn't have thought things through. She would've come home and approached me immediately to take her to fix the situation as best she could. I think she realized this particular situation isn't hers to fix. This is something that you need to do and she has to play a supporting role and be there for you. She confided in me that she's not comfortable with you being around Laura and she also said she's terrified that she's going to snap and do something unforgivable." It looked like the brunette was about to say something so the girl continued her train of thought, "look, Hermione. All I know is that my Aunt desperately wants to move in here with you to start her new life. I want that for her more than words can describe. Nobody deserves their happy ending more than Aunt Bella."

"I'm ready to face this so we can start our happily ever after. Trust me. I'm ready to put the past where it belongs. The day I never have to spend another thought on Laura is a day I'll celebrate. I'm not worried about what Bella will do. I know she loves me and I trust her. I'm more worried about Laura egging her on. If we waste time on what ifs then this will never happen. We have to meet with Dr. Edith in one week's time. If Bella is serious about moving in with me then I need her to let me know. With or without her, I'm going to confront Laura. It's not an ultimatum, it's just something I need to do for myself. I owe it to me to be able to move on from that part of my life. Tell Bella whatever of that you wish but I'm going to be making a trip to London this week and I hope she's coming with me."

Hermione didn't wait for a response from Dora, she turned and walked out of the book shop into the brisk spring air. She understood Bella's apprehension with the entirety of the situation but she wasn't going to let that stop her from getting the closure she needed. Dr. Edith was correct in the fact that this was something Hermione needed to do to be able to fully move on with her life. She was almost finished with her novel, the love of her life was set to move in with her and the only thing stopping her was the annoying nag of the past. "I'm done, Laura. I won't be held captive by the past anymore," she wiped a tear from her eye, crossing her arms over her chest, walking the feelings out of her body.
After Hermione returned to the shop, she had asked Henry to close up for her whenever he felt like it. She needed to be alone for a while and retired to her apartment with the tabby kitten following her quickly up the stairs. He kept the shop open during normal business hours, stocking the new books and taking a few moments to sort through the donations. It had been far too long since he got the first pick of the donated book. "I'm
leaving sunshine," he called up from the bottom
of the steps. "Do you want me to come back and open the shop tomorrow?" He heard his granddaughter mumble a quick response. It sounded like she had been crying but he knew that going up there would just make her feel worse. Hermione was always the type of person who liked to sort through her emotions by herself. "I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well," he turned but stopped, "I love you. You are stronger than you know, Hermione." Henry put on his cap, zipped up his jacket and made his way out the front door, turning to lock it behind him. He noticed something in his peripheral and didn't have to turn his head to know it was Bella. "Going in? I can leave it unlocked for you."

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