Chapter 2 : Rats!

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The floors were shiny and wet with fresh water. If someone stepped on your handiwork, they would probably slide all across the tiled hallway at top speeds.

You were here for a couple hours. At first, you cleaned the area with practiced ease. You were done with the first floor in no time. Then the second floor. Then the third. And so on and so on. Luckily, the floors weren't that big. They were just halls filled with small offices for the animators.

Later, it started to rain profusely. It tapped harshly against the windows, and a crackle of booming thunder would make you jump from time to time, it's light would peek from the blinds covering almost all the windows.

Some of the lights would shut off or flicker wildly sometimes. Each time you witnessed one doing such things, you thought of horror movies and murders but nothing jumped out at you yet.

Except when that dang elevator halted abruptly that one time, you shuddered at the thought.

During your janitorial process, you were on the search for rats. You were on one of the upper levels, and you heard tapping going down the hallway. You immediately perked up and scanned the area.

You doubted it was a rat because it sounded too big, but you doubted it was a person because it was so dang late.

You saw a young woman approaching from behind you. Your eyebrow raised, thinking about who could be here at this god-awful hour?

She looked young and really pretty. She had curly black hair that went to her neck, it was glossy in the bright lighting. She had a cute, pale face and shining bluish-gray eyes. You ogled at her, suddenly feeling like a rat yourself compared to her.

She eyed you as she passed by. She smiled sweetly at you, but her eyes were confused. You lifted your lips in an awkward, shaky smile back. You stopped mopping, your hands gripped the wooden handle.

The raven-haired woman was a little behind you, before you turned around in a nervous fashion, calling out to her,

"hey! Umm... try not to slip, the floors are pretty wet." You glanced at the multiple yellow wet floor signs littering the hallway and mentally facepalmed yourself. Why did you say that when it was obvious?

The lady turned around with a surprised look in her eyes. But it morphed to amusement seeing your self-loathing. She brushed the sides of her white blouse that fit her frame.

"Thank you," she said. She had a really soft voice. You realized she had a birthmark on the side of her face which added to her natural beauty.

You turned back around and returned to mopping. The tapping of her shoes down the hallways became more and more distant. You hoped the woman wasn't a robber or something because that would mean you are a suspect for letting her pass by without questioning.

You rolled your eyes at the thought. Who would rob this place? Sure it was a big building, but you doubted any robbers would be interested in an animation studio. Maybe she works here?

But again, who would work at this hour? You suddenly glanced down at yourself. Oh right, you cringed, you are. Shaking your head, you set  down a vibrant 'wet floor' sign on the floor.

In a slow pace, you continued onward down the hall to finish.


With a final huff of satisfaction, and a plop of a wet floor sign,  you leaned back to see your handiwork. The floors were shiny and clean, so much in fact you could see your reflection.

Whoever the janitor was, they were mediocre compared to you. You nodded to yourself with a triumphant smirk. Then you put away the huge cleaning cart into a nearby janitor's closet.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! Batdr  x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now