Changing seasons

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Finally, after a few rough weeks it was sunny outside. We could breathe a little. Knowing it won't rain again tonight we should probably search around for more wood and food cause our supplies are getting thinner by the day. Our small group currently lived in a camping-like area. We try to make the best of it but it's definitely not the safest place be. Some roofs are leaking and since the rain is basically deathly we can't let that happen. Also the idea of getting robbed or surrounded by these monsters didn't sound appealing at all.

At first, it was only me and Aeri. She's my best friend since we were kids.

Our moms met in a park and decided a play date would be a good idea, which it turned out to be, as we are basically inseparable since that day. She's the clostest thing to family I have right now. Since the day everything went to shit and the world changed irrevocably, I haven't heard from my family. I tried looking for them but they weren't in our house or anywhere near once I got there. I don't blame them for leaving, after everything started, they must have been scared for their lives like everyone else including me. I just hope they're somewhere safe and they're all okay.

When we were on the move, God knows where, just somewhere safer than the streets where anyone could see us, we met Mark and Jeno. We weren't that far from our hometown probably as both the boys I recognised from school. They were in a shop,broken windows letting us take a look inside, fighting off three older men, I can only guess in self-defense. Mark was on the floor wrestling with one, the other pushing Jeno into a wall and trying to punch him while the third guy was just laughing like a maniac. After sharing a look we decided to at least try and help them.

As quietly as we could getting into the building,each of us grabbing an empty bottle from the shelf and swinging at the guy standing in the middle of the chaos. The boys made it out with only a few scratches and bruises. So we left the place and decided to stick together. Just to be safer.

With Renjun, Chenle and Jisung the story was a little more complicated. Leaving a sour taste in my mouth just thinking about it.

We met them after setting up camp. At first when they approached, we thought they had bad intentions, as we didn't recognise them at all but our assumptions turned out very wrong when everyone calmed down and we let them tell us their story.

"Before we met you, we were staying in some abandoned building. It wasn't that bad, no one bothered us since no one knew we're there. But," Renjun pauses.

"It came crashing down when Lele went to check the area in the evening. We all took turns every day but this time the rain caught us off guard." Jisung picks up. "When he came back screaming..we just had to do that." He looks at Chenle with so much sadness it's hard to look at.

They had to stab him in the eye, we all knew it would only stop what's coming for a few months but even a few more months with someone you love is better than just letting them die on the spot.

We knew it was hard for every one of them, they were lovers after all, and knowing one of them will be gone in a period of time and the two will be left with a gaping hole in their hearts that no one would be able to fill is heartbreaking. So we let them stay, at least that way we could try and make it to another day, without loosing anyone else in the process.

Us and the guys quickly became close. Treating them as siblings. Well, maybe not everyone, because me and Jeno had a thing going on and off, nothing serious but it was nice to have someone close in that way. Being able to feel another warm body close to you at nights when no one could see.


It was evening time. Everyone wanted to make a bonfire, so we gathered what we had to and made it happen. It was a nice change, to relax like that. Mark and Jisung found some vodka while they were on a run for supplies, so it definitely made the evening more interesting. Almost as if nothing bad ever happened and it was just a friendly gathering. We knew we couldn't get drunk but at least letting loose a little , after what? 4 months since everything started and everyone was on edge every single day, made it slightly bittersweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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