𝟐𝟒. The Things We Lost In The Fire

Start from the beginning

Well, that's a grown woman Noor can yell at. "Coming from the one who killed him, that's rich." Macaria's glare turns deadly. "I gather you're not helping us with Ammit, are you?"

Melinoë shakes her head. "We have a strict non-interfering policy."

"Well fuck you and your policy."

"Noor!" Zagreus cries out.

"And fuck you most of all!" She turns back to the two goddesses, now looking at her with anger and sadness. "I mean, thanks for the help with Marc and Steven, but you guys are freaking hypocrites."

This time, Macaria almost smiles. "Oh, so you found out."

"Macaria, stop this," Zagreus asks.

Noor just scoffs. "No, this is stellar. So, really, everyone knew about your lies but me, awesome." She takes a deep breath, fighting back the urge to curl up in a ball and cry. "Let's get this over with. If you don't want to help," she tells Melinoë, "that's your choice. But we need to get to the pyramid of Giza real quick to free Khonshu."

Melinoë nods, her usual impish smile gracing her lips again. "That, I can do."

Cece groans as she walks to her, mirroring her movements to open the door to the pyramid of Giza. "Whatever's going on out there, have fun."

"I guarantee you I will not."

Noor steps through it, not looking back. If she has to wait for Marc and Steven to come back, which they will or she's going to lose it, she has to buy them some time, on top of freeing Khonshu. That includes paying Harrow a friendly visit during which she promises not to kill him on sight.

Macaria tries one last time to reason with her brother. "Why are you doing this? Staying, I get that. Father was awful and now Hell is closed for us." She gestures to the space around them. "But this? This is doing too much out of guilt."

He almost recoils at the thought. "This has nothing to do with guilt. I owe her for what I put her through. For lying about it because I was scared."

"So now you're going after Egyptian gods to make up for it?" She clenches her jaw. "I'm worried."

He pats her shoulder, offering her a lopsided smile. "Don't be." He looks back at Melinoë. "We should do this more often, yeah? Maybe next time, Noor won't be, you know. Traumatised by the loss of her soulmates and feeling the irrepressible urge to kill me."

His youngest sister nods with a smile. "Be careful."

"Tried it once. Ever so dull."

He steps halfway through the door, when Macaria calls out to him. "When I said you were doing it out of guilt, I was being kind."

Zagreus lets her words seep in him, chest constricting. "I know. I'll be fine."

When Zagreus steps through the door, letting it close behind him, he finds Noor crouched down behind a huge rock. It looks like the same one she was hiding behind the first time, except on the other side, and, well. Wearing shoes.

His hand ghosts above her shoulder, but he can't touch her anymore, and he really fumbled it the last time they could. "What's going on?"

Instead of his voice calming her down like it used to, he can practically feel her tense up. "Harrow just bursted in, what do you think is going on?" She stares at the scene, at the men with guns. "Do they really think they can just shoot the gods up?"

Osiris prepares himself to attack, but Harrow walks forward, cane glowing in purple. "You're judges, not warriors," he tells him. "This doesn't need to happen."

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