34: Death Before Dishonor

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"A fact that has become increasingly difficult to handle," Robyn said archly.

"Ew," Wally said. "I mean I guess if you were a guy you could just--"

"Stop!" Jacques covered his ears. "The vulgarity!"

"I think these are suppose to be short term holding cells," Qrow said. "But we've not been moved to somewhere more permanent yet. I think they forgot about us."

"No biggie," Wally said. "We just need to pick the right time to escape."

Watts laughed. "You think it's that easy?"

"Uh...yeah?" Wally said. "I mean...these plasma walls? Aren't they really easy to overload? You just need enough friction," he began rubbing his hands together. "Get some static going and bam, presto!"

"I didn't understand that," Robyn said. "But there is the little issue of the guards waiting outside, Slugger."

"Oh come on, they'd never catch me," Wally said.

"And yet you're in here," Qrow said.

"I let them catch me," Wally said. "Figured it was the fastest way to find you...you know, without bringing the whole place down anyway."

Robyn arched an eyebrow. "I can't tell whether you're arrogant and weak, or overpowered and humble."

"Well, the Speed Force is pretty powerful," Wally said. "So the second one maybe?"

"Emphasis on the humble part," Qrow said flatly. "I don't suppose you have news about what's going on out there?"

"Oh sure, Oscar blew up a whale grimm thing," Wally said.  "And we got some new recruits..." he glanced at Watts. "Not to name any names in front of the non-team members, but you know. Now they're just worried about stopping this whole uni-bombing thing that Ironwood's about to do. Major terrorist vibe from that. You want to fill me in on how you guys landed here?"

"Framed for murder," Robyn said.

"I'm sorry to hear about that," Wally said. "Clover, right? He was... a little hard to understand, but he seemed like a nice guy."

Qrow looked down.

"I hate it when I lose teammates," Wally sighed. "But this isn't the answer, imprisoning the wrong person...bad news, by the way, Tyrian left. He's going to Vacuo..."

"Vacuo?" Robyn said. "How...big is this plot?" she glanced at Watts.

"Oh, I imagine it's vastly more complicated that you would be able to comprehend, my dear," he said sardonically.

"What are you people up to?" Qrow demanded. "And what's in it for you anyway?"

"Good question, dude," Wally said. "What is in it for you? Don't you know the psycho witch is going to destroy the world.'"

"That's what you primitive mouthbreathers think." Watts said.

"Nuh uh, dude , it's all in the magic genie thing," Wally said. "Salem just wants to blow up the world so the gods will kill her or something like that. Not that it'll work, because duh, why would they start making smart decisions now, am I right? But she's gonna try, you guys are all just her pawns."

"You think I'll believe anything you say?" Watts sniffed.

"Why do you work for her?" Robyn rubbed her hands. "Even if he was lying, isn't she out to destroy all the kingdoms? What's possibly in it for you?"

"Recognition," Watts said. "A place in her new world order as a ruler...finally getting acknowledged for the brilliant man I am."

"You sound like Scar from the Lion King," Wally said.

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