"Who are you? K hyung hold that kid for me"

The man winced in pain as he held onto his bleeding leg.

"Answer me! Or you'll bleed to death and no one will even know . ."

He got up and limped to escape when his sword fell on the ground making me immediately grab it, with a cloth over it of course. I can't leave my fingerprints on here.

"Sunoo . . the sword . . Nicholas saw that image in the surveillance camera . . that was the sword used on Jay"

The culprit widen his eyes before he attempted to jump out the window but I was quick to tackle him down.

"K hyung, call officers here . .  and as for you, you'll bleed to death if you continue to keep your mouth shut . . and you, I don't know if your name is really Riki but you will be investigated. . . K hyung, lock him up. I don't care if he's the prince as my father said but he's a suspect. . I'll inform Sunghoon hyung about this. ."

The culprits were brought to the cellars as K hyung did the honors of calling my brother and my parents. I went to my room and grab the gun I sneak from Jay hyung last time as I plan to go to the cellars to interrogate the suspects.


I look at EJ hyung who was running upstairs and immediately he took the tray that the kid was serving me a while ago and threw all contents on the floor.

"Did you eat that.? I hope you didn't. . . I saw a suspicious ingredient mixed in the batter. I don't know what it is but it smells funny and I don't think it is a good idea to eat it. . . "

So that kid actually planned to kill me?

"I didn't eat it hyung . . .thank you . . plus, I only eat the food I saw you making . . Are you alright tho?"

"I'm fine . . I just hope everything will be as fine as well. ."


I am in front of Riki as I glared at him.

"Tell me everything I need to know or this face will be the last face you'll see before I will kill you with my own hands"

He looks at me but his eyes immediately glanced behind me.

"Sunoo, are you hurt?"

Looking behind me, I immediately ran to my brother and hugged him as tight as I can. he's back, and he's fine.

"I drove here as soon as K hyung informed about the explosion . . I'm glad you're not hurt, EJ also told me about the poison . . . Nicholas will take care of the suspect in Jay's case . . . I was so scared you have no idea . ."

I just held onto him before we turned to Riki who looked terrified.

"Spill . . . who are you really?"

"I'm Riki . . . my name is really Riki. But the people in the orphanage call me Ta-ki and that's what I'm used to . . . I don't know why I'm here actually"

My eyes widen at his answer but my brother just slam his hand on the table before glaring at Taki.

"Stop with with bullshit . . . I know who you are and I know what you're trying to do . . . if you don't spill what you know, . . . I will kill you along with your brother, how's that sound?"

Taki's eyes immediately turn from calm to panicky in an instant

"Sunghoon hyung? What do you mean?"

The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)Where stories live. Discover now