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A/n: I'm changing the timeline for the X-men movies to fit my story

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A/n: I'm changing the timeline for the X-men movies to fit my story. Thanks for reading, and for voting. 🙏🏾. As we all know Namor is also a mutant. Please tell me some of y'all are fans of Cherik? (I need someone to look at me the way Erik looks at Charles😭)

Third person POV

The pair were led down the halls of the school.
Naja looked around, in classes were students, well
Mutants, she stopped for a second watching a little girl learn to use her powers, her face in awe as the little girl grew a small tree in a vase in front of her, "we want them to be able to express themselves" hank spoke drawing Naja's attention back to him.

She smiled a little before following behind hank.

"Please come in" hank urged opening the doors to reveal a man speaking to another, 'no way I thought magneto was a sworn enemy of Charles Xavier' naja thinks to her self, "he is, he just likes to invade people's privacy" Charles replies causing Naja's eye to open wide "how did y-" "I'm a telepath" he replied smiling at her, "what did she say?" The other man asks "nothing Erik, I'll talk to you later" Charles says rolling his wheelchair toward Naja and Ayo "come with me please" Charles says.

"A pleasant place you have here Charles" naja says, "thank you dear, I try to make it acceptable to the mutant, it's hard for most of them to adapt well, but we don't give up on them, hence the school to teach them to understand themselves" he replies, "I'll wait out here" Ayo says standing outside a door, "thank you Ayo" Naja says.

When they walked into a room, Hank immediately started working on something, "just getting everything settled" Hank states, naja nodded.

"Shuri sent a message to me, about your situation, we'll figure it out, Hank here is an expert" Charles says rolling his wheelchair toward a computer, "sit here for me will you" Charles asks Naja nodded and sat on the bed.

Hank went on and plugged some needles into her forehand, and she was told to lay down.

The bed began was shifted inside a scanning machine Hank built to use in scanning mutant powers.

"When you're ready we'll start" Hank said Mac Naja breathed then nods.

The machine began wiring, soon it merged with naja mind.

"Professor look" Hank says, "unbelievable" Charles exclaims, "her cells care creating more cells, i - I think we might have activated her powers!" Hank shouted trying to stop the machine, then a loud boom occurred causing Charles and Hank to be thrown across the room, when they looked up Naja was still physically unconscious but her mind was working well, then she fell back on the bed.

Then her eyes opened up, she watched as Charles and Hank were struggling to breathe, "what happened?" She asks, Hank looked at Charles then at her, then the doors opened, standing outside were some students and Ayo, "what is it Charles?, what kind of power do I possess?" Naja asks, "you can manipulate things on a molecular level or higher, we aren't sure yet" Hank stated, "turn energy to matter, vice versa, so much more we don't even know about, but the most powerful one you possess is being able to use your mind to manipulate things around you even when unconscious" Charles added, "so a time bomb waiting to explode, perfect" she muttered.

Naja sat in a big room, talking to shuri on her kimoyo head, "we'll be expecting you, sister" she says, Naja smiles softly then turned off kimoyo.

"Hello, my name is Jean, what's yours?" A voice interrupts Naja's thoughts, "Naja, pleasure to meet you", "don't worry it gets better, you just need guidance, I'm still trying, but with the professor's help I'm getting a hold of myself" she replies smiling, "thank you Jean".

"An unexpected Tsunami hits the shores of California causing scientists to be puzzled" a journalist spoke, Naja looked at the TV screen, parts of sunken ships and submarines were laying on the beach, weird very weird.

A/n: how are y'all liking the story so far?, what do you think I should change, which characters would you like to see in my story?.

The Lost Child -  Namor x OC  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora