15. Salt and Pepper

Start from the beginning

"Are you baking something again?" Uraraka asked sweetly.

Allira stuffed the last notebook into her school bag and nodded.

"Smells amazing!" Sero jeered.

"Thanks." Allira inspected the timer to see that she still had about fifteen minutes left before the cake was ready.

"What's with him?" Uraraka asked, pointing to a passed out Kaminari on the counter.

Allira lifted her shoulder. "I don't know, he just came down and fell back asleep."

"Ha." Kirishima laughed. "He does that sometimes."

"Really?" Uraraka asked in confusion.

"Oh yeah." Sero folded his arms with a smile. "Denki is full of weird habits. He does this thing when he gets lonely and tired. He sleepwalks to the first person he can find and just passes out next to them."

"What? Why?" Allira contained her giggles.

"Don't ask me, the guy likes to be around people." Sero shrugged.

"Come on, let's bring him to the couch." Uraraka activated her quirk by pressing her hand on his shoulder, a second later Kiminari's form started to float.

She then took a hold of his wrist before he flew away and pulled him to the couch. The boy glided across the room, his sleep completely uninterrupted.

Uraraka then shifted him to lay flat over the couch and carefully lowered him down onto the cushions. The boys continued to sleep as if nothing had changed, his snoring only growing louder.

"Do you have to do this all the time?" Allira asked and joined her friends on the couch.

"Sometimes." Sero explained. " Uraraka is the only one who can move him without waking him up. He definitely sleeps better on the couch than on the counter."

"That makes sense, he looks a lot more comfortable here." Allira smiled.

"Yeah, just like how Bakugo fixed you during class." Kirishima recalled the memory from class.

"What are you talking about?" Allira turned her haid to the side, not understanding the reference.

Immediately, Uraraka's hands covered her mouth in shock and delight. "You don't know."

"Makes sense, she was the one sleeping." Kirishima laughed.

"I-I don't know what...?" Allira stuttered, almost scared of what she would hear.

Sero held out his hand as he explained the short story. "Last week, when you fell asleep in class Bakugo repositioned you."

"What?!" Allira squeaked in embarrassment.

"It was so cute!" The girl held her fist up to her face in glee.

"He shifted you into a more comfortable position when you fell asleep." Kirishima gave her a thumbs up.

Allira had no memory of this at all and found it a bit overwhelming. Had Bakugo truly done that? In front of the entire class, during a lecture?! The thought caused Allira's head to spin. If she had known something like that would happen, she would have forced herself to stay awake. Now the whole class had not only noticed her fall asleep, but Bakugo felt the need to step in.

"Seems kind of out of character." Uraraka tapped her chin and looked to the ceiling.

"Not at all actually." A new voice joined the conversation from behind. All heads turned to see Midoriya, who had just finished his descent from the stairs. His large eyes and bright smile lifted the room's spirits fourfold.

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