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Everyone thinks being a demi-god or hero is a dream. A chance to become a legend by doing simple things, knowing the answers of the universe as knowing of the gods of Olympus.

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My advice?
it's not.

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If you think you might be a half-blood, click off this book. Never read any Percy Jackson related series, believe whatever story you were told about your dead-beat parent, and walk away.

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Being a half-blood means fighting off monsters since you were 7. Being a half-blood means that you will have monsters try to kill you. Being a half-blood means getting kicked out of almost any school you go to.

Being a half-blood means an early, and most of the time extremely painful, death.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

I DO NOT own Percy Jackson (and all series with him in it) nor any of the characters I'm going to use other then my original characters (Daphne, Beatrix, Ivy, Jade, Helen, and any others I might create for the sake of the plot) and my original characters plots. 
This will also be based off the books, not the movies or new TV show coming out soon.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

As always, I will always dedicate every single one of my books to Bee, my bestest of friends, the person I talk to all day everyday about everything I can - I love you. <3

And to Billie, one of the few people to know every single part of this story (at least that I've been willing to share *cue even laughter*), and has given me so many ideas for it.

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