Freak the Freak Out: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

"It's mouth surgery. I mean, you're gonna be in some pretty serious pain for a couple of days." He said as Tori started cheering and jumping around.

"Well, you and mom are gonna take care of me, right?"

"We would, but we're gonna be in Santa Barbara."

"Aww, who's gonna have a lonely painful weekend? Hmm? I think it's you!" Tori taunted some more.

"Tori." I scolded as dad turned to her.

"You and your sister are gonna be taking care of her." He spoke.

"WHAT?" Tori and I exclaimed, as I stood up and walked closer.

"Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha-ha-ha! Tori's gotta take care of me! Ha ha-ha-ha!" Trina laughed as she got up in Tori's face, taunting as well.

"You know, you could have your wisdom teeth taken out right now." Tori said.


Tori grabbed Trina's face, trying to open her mouth as they both started yelling again. Trina managed to slip away, running to the piano as Tori chased her.

"Guys, hey, hey! Whoa!" Dad yelled, trying to stop them for the 3rd time. He paused and looked at me as they continued to yell and attack each other.

"Hm?" I asked, putting a grape in my mouth.

"You're my favorite." He sighed and looked back at Tori and Trina, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!"

" He sighed and looked back at Tori and Trina, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!"

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"Ow... Oww.. Ow! I'm so scared!" Cat cried.

It was now Friday, and we were now in the Black Box theater. Andre and Cat were at the front of the room, performing a scene.

"Shh, if that spider bites your eyeball you could die in minutes!" Andre exclaimed, in a Jamaican accent.

"Oh man! Please get it off my eye!" Cat held her eye open, fidgeting.

Andre was sat right by her, getting his prop tools ready, "I am going to try. Don't move and don't make a sound..." He said as he slowly brought his hand up to her eye.

A phone started ringing, startling us all and setting off Sikowitz. Cat screamed and pulled Andre's hand away as Sikowitz started fidgeting and hitting himself. I jumped, almost falling off of Beck's lap. He wrapped his arms around my middle, securing me on his lap.

"Oh, man! The ringing is back! AH!" He yelled as he twitched and hit himself.

"Sikowitz, hey, Sikowitz!" Jade said.

"Please! Please!" He yelled, starting to pull his hair.

"Sikowitz!" We called.

"Yes?" He looked up, in distress.

"That was a phone." Robbie softly said.

He stopped, crossing his arms as he started walking down the aisle of chairs. "Whose?"

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