Meeting the god itself

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(This happens while he is being transported in the new Dimension)

3rd person's POV
Mew was in currently in a place where there's only darkness and a little bit of stars that gives a little light, when he heard a voice.

???: It's been awhile since I last saw you my child.
Mew: Who are you and Where am I???
???: Don't be afraid my child, You are in my dimension. My name is Arceus the creator of all universe.
Mew: *gasp and bows* I'm sorry my god if I didn't recognize you.
Arceus: it's ok my child or should I say my son.
Mew: *looks at Arceus with a confused face* Son? Wait you're my father??? *Surprised look*
Arceus: Yes my son, I have been watching you for 20 years and I have seen how much you love Pokemon and Yu GI oh zexal, So I have decided you will be transported there and you will be younger, And lastly you will obtain a new card where it cannot be found anywhere in that universe.
Mew: But father what kind of cards I am gonna get and FYI I look so young according to my friends, Some say I even look like I was a 12 year old kid.
Arceus: It's a special kind of card like what I said earlier but now I will grant you some of my power to protect you against danger. And when you are in that world you will obtain the new cards right away, Goodluck my child.

A bright light came and that's the last thing Mew seen before he wakes up in the middle of a field.

(AN: Hey guys this is the first part of my new story, Hope you guys like it)

Son of Arceus (Yu GI oh zexal x Male oc reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ