10. Taken part 1

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I was starting to get angry. I growled. I breathed in "what. Do. You. WANT. From. ME?" He had slapped me. "I'd like some respect out of you." I rolled my eyes. This was getting old. I glared at him. He had a smirk on his face. "Ya'know, once they find you and your goons. All of you are dead, so do me a favor eith-" this time I was cut off by a punch to the left side of my face. He hovered over me. "You have no control here Reaper. You can't make demands here." His voice was filled with venom.

I gust glared at him. "du vil snart være død, og når jeg reiser meg fra denne stolen er du en død mann, mr."{you will soon be dead, and when I rise from this chair you will be a dead man, mr.} He looked absolutely baffled. I laughed at this. He grabbed my throat taking the air out of my lungs. He tillted his head, he had murder in his eyes. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" I smiled. "du er snart en død mann"{you are soon a dead man} I spit in his face. He let go of me and wiped his face. He looked at his goons, then back at me. "Speak English " I smiled " hakke... oh I'm sorry let me translate- hoe" he rolled his eyes "beat her" he then walked away.

The goons did as they were told. Hours later they had enough and I was starting to break. The goons left, and I cried silently not making any noise. I was sat there for who knows how long. I just wanted to be back at base. I'd give anything to be back with them. I hummed a song my mom would hum to me after I was beat to a bloody pulp by my dad. she would pet my hair as I laid there bloody my eyes half way opened.

Another method of torture was starving. That's what they were doing to me, I would imagine my vision was blurry but I couldn't tell because of how dark it was, barely any light. I looked around, maybe I could make them think they broke me... I could talk to the wall. It was worth a shot. So I spoke in Norwegian. "så..hvordan var dagen din?..... det er godt å vite. hei vet du hva mr heter? jeg ville ikke vite det for mitt liv... ja, han kan være sånn, men hei, det er livet... tror du de kommer for å hente meg? Jeg håper så jeg savner dem mer enn livet selv...."{so..how was your day?..... that's good to know. hi do you know mr's name? i didn't want to know for the life of me... yes, he might be like that but hey, that's life... do you think they're coming to get me? I hope so I miss them more than life itself....} it was quite, there was no response.. I was talking to a wall. A silent tear ran down my face. "du vet at jeg aldri fikk fortalt ham hvordan jeg har det... jeg var for redd til at han ville la meg være i fred, akkurat som alle andre i livet mitt... jeg håper jeg ikke er her lenge lenger."{you know i never got to tell him how i feel... i was too scared for him to leave me alone, just like everyone else in my life... i hope i'm not here much longer.} It kinda helped to talk to the wall but it wasn't much.

I was sat there a few more hours, the door opened. Mr came walking in, his goons were holding something. "I figured you were hungry so I got you some food-" my eyes lit up a bit "-dog food. Feed her" great not this again. One goon held my head up by the hair, and the other opened the can, and fed me with a spoon. It was disgusting. I should be used to the taste but I'm not. I almost threw up.

They fed me the entire 2 cans of food they had, they also told me if I threw it up they'd make me eat that too. So I held it down regretfully. Mr looked proud of himself. "Now that you've eaten and gotten that good protein dogs like you need, maybe you can answer some questions. And if your a good girl I might just let you have some table scraps." I glared at him more. I was silent I didn't want to talk anymore. He tillted his head. "What no more jokes or snarky replies...?" His smile got bigger "did we brake the Grim Reaper? How interesting " I turned my head away, I wasn't fully broken but I'd lead him on thinking I was. I let a few tears run down my face. This was all an act.

He laughed at me. "And all we had to do was make you eat some dog food.. that was your last straw? Your pathetic" he kicked me, I almost threw up but I kept strong. "alt jeg vil er å se dem igjen.. vær så snill, la meg gå..."{all i want is to see them again.. please let me go.} more tears ran down my face I wasn't lieing. He growled "English." I shook my head. "...just let me go please. I know nothing of what you want...please " I spoke barely above a whisper. He nodded his head. "I'll think about it." I whimpered, I had to make this believable. He started to walk away "just answer the questions and we might let you go. It's that simple" he left with his goons. Me alone with my thoughts again. It was going to be hard to make them think I was broken.

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